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Adult dogs.

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Lots of folk always buying and selling adult dogs. I was always of the idea that no one sells a good dog, and so therefore no one buys a good dog? Do people sell adult dogs dogs that are good at their job? Just wondered your thoughts.

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Sometimes genuine good working dogs are sold for genuine reasons, if the dog is sold with a trial there shouldn't be a problem. I don't think i could ever sell one of my working dogs, they take so much time and commitment to get them where you want them!

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Yer thats what i tend to think - that unless there is an extreme reason very few of us would part with a decent dog . . . . . even with a trial. . . . . you often miss something. Maybe?

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There are most certainly some very good dogs sold from time to time mate,some for great sums of money purley beause they are that good and some for sensible money because the owner has genuine reasons for parting company with his dog but is willing sell the dog for less in order to vet the new home to ensure its going exactley were he wants it to.

However there are probably many more that are not up to scratch for whatever reason sold than those that are truly good.


Only my opnion



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There are most certainly some very good dogs sold from time to time mate,some for great sums of money purley beause they are that good and some for sensible money because the owner has genuine reasons for parting company with his dog but is willing sell the dog for less in order to vet the new home to ensure its going exactley were he wants it to.

However there are probably many more that are not up to scratch for whatever reason sold than those that are truly good.


Only my opnion




Yes you are right - there are of course some dogs sold because the money is just too great to say no to. Although i'm still not sure i would sell . . . . but i guess if you have a few dogs and have brought a few on then parting with one is a bit easier for the right money. But there are so many folk that go out looking for a good dog to buy and that has to be a pretty tall order with out lots of cash or really good luck and timing?

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i agree no one would sell a good dog although sometimes it happens. yesturday i gave away the best working grey ive ever seen. due to rescuing her from a track when i was there with my trainer mates and not really having space. so sometimes very rarely it does happen. found her a great home though and we went for an hour walk. think they were impressed. she lifted one up coursed him into the bushes and picked him up in the bushes and retrieved straight out. she did get a cut though whilst out but once healed his gonna post few pics on here of her

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i agree no one would sell a good dog although sometimes it happens. yesturday i gave away the best working grey ive ever seen. due to rescuing her from a track when i was there with my trainer mates and not really having space. so sometimes very rarely it does happen. found her a great home though and we went for an hour walk. think they were impressed. she lifted one up coursed him into the bushes and picked him up in the bushes and retrieved straight out. she did get a cut though whilst out but once healed his gonna post few pics on here of her


Good on yer Jamie......Like said they do come along every now and again just not very often.I myself would seriously struggle to part wth a dog that I had taken on and put the time into traning,schooling and the like. but its every man to his own and I would rather see a man sell a good dog if he cant or dosn't want to look after it than see it wasted or even worse neglected.


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Good dogs like reputations can be bought especially in the coursing game for very large sums of money.The lamping game i have always found lads seem to have a stronger bond with their dogs and in most cases are reluctant to sell a good one.

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