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hunt feral cats with birds of prey in the uk? i know they do it in europe. :thumbs:

cant find a anwser but you can shoot them as long a you no it is feral for definate.Why would you want to a lot of risk in the bird getting damaged.i could not run in and dispatch it :censored: that

Edited by CrowHawker
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not so sure on this one what bird of bird would you plan on using i would think you would need a large bird to over power a ferel cat even a large redtail would take a lot of stick off a ferel cat i would not recommend it

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I'm with Maaccy on this one! Heavy Artillary like a nice Female Redtail would get the job done! then again so would a decent female Gos or Harrishawk but I would still fancy a female Red.....


There's obviously all sorts of danger Hunting certain quarry with BOP, taking Fox's and Roe with Goldies can end up with a Injured or dead bird, even Hare hawking can be nasty! I heard of a story of lad losing a Gos after its crop was virtually torn out by a Hare kicking......


Having said that I think I would save my birds from potential Injury and clear up the Ferals with a Rimmy or 12G biggrin.gif............



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