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Guest stantheman

Theres still a lot to lern, you will never no to much about dogs snaring traping netting, how to look after your dogs, feeding them how to get them fit and so on, I would love to see more photos off fox and deer with the terriers and lerchers, but I think that has come to an end. Stan. :thumbs-up:

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Ian mate you had a great site the best infact in my eyes and through no fault of your own things have changed the site has changed mate and not for the better the sites are finished it`s not about posting pics or anything like that it`s about the banter the stories things in general they have changed it is similar to what happened with the smoochers of old its had its day.....There are still plenty of topics but of how many now are there from the old members posts that where great to read not very many now we here about what shall i call this dog look my new dog after a while it wears thin....The set up to this site is brilliant its easy to use and certainly well managed but its like a great cover to a book but no story in the middle it`s lacking it`s material these days....

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Right guys, I haven't been on here long, so I hope you don't mind me joining in. Although I really do feel out of my depth on here at times as I am into vermin control on my land more than the hunting side, we all obviously have something in common, I can think of loads just by looking at the choice available on the forums and like said in another reply, it is so nice to be able to get on here when you can if you are to busy with work etc,and are unable to get out and "do your thing" so to speak.

I only use air rifles or a sling shot, so have mainly joined air rifle biased sites before I found you guys. The first site I was banned from for getting into a "heated" discussion between some other members in which I related to some "real life" bullying that someone close to me had experienced and how it was dealt with. Now to say that the ban was over the top, would be an understatement!

Since joining here, I find this site at the other end of the scale and some members quite aggressive/obusive, which is fine to a degree, we are all different and all entitled to our own opinions, but I do think that to move the thread elsewhere so an obvious argument can continue is tempting fate. I think that such threads be closed and continual offenders thrown off the site if they persist.

Someone else who joined here within the last week commented on the amount of "bitching" on here and yes at times it is a bit pathetic, and we are all supposed to be adults for Gods sake!

What is required is a happy medium, it's no good not posting for fear of upsetting someone by "yanking their chain", but what you don't need is some of the threads going to far. Myself I think new members, especially younger members, need to be encouraged, rather than laughed at or belittled, with this in mind I think that some members who don't post very often probably don't want the retaliation for speaking their mind, me?, I'm not really bothered as I think this is a great site.........Al ;)

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Only been here for a short time, came primarily for the working terrier forum, but sometimes check other forums when something catches my eye. I find it worthwhile and a decent source of information.


Sure, there's plenty of bull thrown, and sometimes whizzin' contests, but no more than on most other sites. You ignore 'em to get the good stuff.


This board seems one of the better ones for real useful information in the areas I'm interested, and runs a higher wheat:chaff ratio than many others. I've personally learned a lot.

Edited by bshadle
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Guest midnight_runner

before i came on this sight i hunted mostly by my self what i had done and seen and caught remaind with me i thought i was well clued up in what i did but on here you get the chance to share your stories and a bit of banter as well and most of all the stuff you learn is amazing so should the sites stay thats a big yeeeessss

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i agree this site should stay i myself have also learned a lot on this site and i have bought 1 lurcher and 1 terrier of people on this site and i am very happy with them both.with out this site i wouldn't of bought them and if you want to know something hunting related or not you can just ask and the replye's are of boy's who know a lot more than me.keep on hunting... :signthankspin::victory:

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I've learnt loads from here, and m o o c h e r s, if you have a question

you can be pretty certain its already been asked, so the search function

is a great resource.


Also met a few like minded lads through these places, so I hope

these sites carry on, and go from strength top strength.

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