gringo40 13 Posted June 13, 2010 Author Report Share Posted June 13, 2010 Hi Davy & Othickman Thanks for your replies, They're along the lines of what I was thinking myself. Cheers Carl Quote Link to post
Sweeney-Todd 208 Posted June 13, 2010 Report Share Posted June 13, 2010 On 12/06/2010 at 13:38, gringo40 said: Hi Lads Me and Andy (Rossy08) know this guy who's blagged a massive farm permission very local to where we live. He somehow got it by actually getting caught shooting without permission, the land owner saw him and his mate shooting on his land and instead of bollocking them actually gave them full permission. Unreal Since he's had this permission me and Rossy got chatting to him in the local bar. First he tells us he's had a go at snaring, fair enough we thought but then he goes on to say "Problem is it takes me two hours to check all the snares, so I haven't checked some for days".........Alarm bells are ringing with me and Mr Ross. Rossy tells him he shouldn't set snares he cant check on regular basis. All we got was a vacant look Next he goes on to tell us about a rabbit he shot, "I put it on a fence to go and collect later" he says "When I walked away up the field I looked back and saw a fox nicking the rabbit, so I ran back shooting at the fox". At this point me and Rossy are f*****g horrified. Again we explained that is big NO NO. It didn't seem to register with this p***k. Undettered by our concerns regarding his antics, he goes on to ask where he can buy a crossbow. I thought Rossy was going to explode. It's obvious this guy is a complete w****r but my dilemma is this. He also told me the land owner has a fox problem and want's someone with shotgun to sort them out, this I can do. Do I kiss ass and get him to take me to this permission, then get permission from the land owner for myself and then muscle him out. Or do I just go and tell the land owner what a t**t he is, at the risk of the land owner thinking I'm just saying that to nick the permission. What would you do lads? Cheers Carl Hi Karl. If these guy's just started to shoot the Farmers land without permission, straight away it sound's like they have little moral standing, or consideration for others. If this is their attitude and thinking, make's you wonder if they have bothered with insurance? The Farmer sound's like he is quite laid back, so I wonder if he has checked they have insurance before giving them the permission? From what you have described on here about shooting at the Fox, the snare's, and the Crossbow the guy sound's like a complete and utter waste of time. Im all for helping and trying to educate people, but they need to be of a certain mind set to begin cant educate Pork as we say. Just my thought's, I think you owe it to the farmer, and our sport, to tell him about the antics and attitude of these guy's. It wont be long before they hurt sombody, and cause suffering to animals. I would have no problem getting them ousted off the land, they do not deserve to be there, and you should not feel any guilt or remorse for doing what is right. Tell the Farmer, and look after his interests and property as it should be looked after, by reponsible and thinking people. ATB. Bill. 1 Quote Link to post
matt_hooks 188 Posted June 13, 2010 Report Share Posted June 13, 2010 (edited) That's some amazing farmer you have there. He catches someone on his land, with a gun, and without permission, and he invites them back? Either they have the ultimate in silver tongues, or he's desperate. I would gently explain that their actions are more than a little lacking in the moral and legal departments. That in shooting at a fox with an airgun they are breaking a whole raft of laws, both firearm and wildlife (and as stated the farmer shares liability to prosecution as he has given permission). That it is ilegal to fire a crossbow at ANY live creature in the UK. That all of these things would suggest that they are not really suitable to carry out the job of pest control. Offer to go with them and help them out if he's not keen on booting them, but make it clear that you will not put up with any dangerous or illegal behaviour! People like that are a disgrace. They just add fuel to the anti fire. If you saw these and thought all airgun users were the same (irrational and lacking in mental effort, for sure, but you know that anti's suffer from sever confirmation bias) then you would easily make the case that banning airguns, or at the very least putting them under the licence system (which I don't think would stop tits like those described) would be morally justifiable and, in fact, necessary! Just a thought. If they were shooting that farmers land illegally, chances are they're shooting elsewhere illegally also. I'm not suggesting a stitch up, but if someone were to spot them and phone mr plod, he would take a dim view of armed trespass! Edited June 13, 2010 by matt_hooks Quote Link to post
olim 28 Posted June 15, 2010 Report Share Posted June 15, 2010 Why if you have plenty of permission already would you try to take some one elses permission even if he is an idiot, you are obviously jealous, how would you feel if some one took a fancy to your permission and plotted to nick it, I agree that the guy is an idiot and shouldnt have a gun, but stealing his permission isnt going to help and woud not benefit anyone but yourself. not going to make a difference especially if he is happy to poach, offer advice but dont intefere oli Quote Link to post
rossy08 33 Posted June 15, 2010 Report Share Posted June 15, 2010 On 15/06/2010 at 09:20, olim said: Why if you have plenty of permission already would you try to take some one elses permission even if he is an idiot, you are obviously jealous, how would you feel if some one took a fancy to your permission and plotted to nick it, I agree that the guy is an idiot and shouldnt have a gun, but stealing his permission isnt going to help and woud not benefit anyone but yourself. not going to make a difference especially if he is happy to poach, offer advice but dont intefere oli i understand you view and your point. but i must say that jelouse do's not really come into it. when carl has around 500 acers of beutifull shooting land, and i have around 300 of feilds and woodland in the beutifull derbyshire, both of witch are suffering large amounts of damage and problems, the fact is we cant shoot the land we have enough,so we dont need the land at all. if you had sat and listen to the lads and the things they were doing you would have had the same reaction as myself and carl. utter shock. if ever there was a case for shooting being banned then these are the lads to get it banned. offerd all the help in the world, but nothing ever comes of it, and im now at the point where i wont go with them through fear of being,nicked by the law,shot in the bk of the head,or tarded with there brush, hope this clears things up. atb Andy Quote Link to post
mick1212 389 Posted June 15, 2010 Report Share Posted June 15, 2010 i understand you view and your point. but i must say that jelouse do's not really come into it. when carl has around 500 acers of beutifull shooting land, and i have around 300 of feilds and woodland in the beutifull derbyshire, both of witch are suffering large amounts of damage and problems, the fact is we cant shoot the land we have enough,so we dont need the land at all. we need that land mate. and we need to talk to the land owner and get the permission befor he fucks it up and looses all faith in airgunners. hopefuly my mate will come good and get me the number of the owner. hears to hopeing. make your mind up backdooring people a big no no were am from Quote Link to post
rossy08 33 Posted June 15, 2010 Report Share Posted June 15, 2010 On 15/06/2010 at 11:19, mick1212 said: i understand you view and your point. but i must say that jelouse do's not really come into it. when carl has around 500 acers of beutifull shooting land, and i have around 300 of feilds and woodland in the beutifull derbyshire, both of witch are suffering large amounts of damage and problems, the fact is we cant shoot the land we have enough,so we dont need the land at all. we need that land mate. and we need to talk to the land owner and get the permission befor he fucks it up and looses all faith in airgunners. hopefuly my mate will come good and get me the number of the owner. hears to hopeing. make your mind up backdooring people a big no no were am from we need it to stop air gunners all getting a bad name.or some walker getting shoot. i dont get chance to shoot the land i have as much as id like but i know a lot of very sensionabal hunters that could do with some permission.. unlike these muppets. after me telling them the laws on xbows this and i quote is the answer i got. ye well how funny would it be to shoot a fox with one.. dont do "backdooring" as its not on. but these boys i will bend over and dry bum f**k. Andy. Quote Link to post
olim 28 Posted June 15, 2010 Report Share Posted June 15, 2010 i dont want an arguement, but is it really your place to come in and in a way punish and enforce the law, it may be with good intention but the way you have come across, by being more concerned of how to take his permission than help. I just see it as i wouldnt like it if that happened to me and you wouldnt like it if someone did it to you, even if he is in the wrong. your not sending out a good message of how to gain permission either, if you have so much shooting permission that you cant use it all, consider yourself lucky that you dont need any more, so why do this. oli Quote Link to post
rossy08 33 Posted June 15, 2010 Report Share Posted June 15, 2010 On 15/06/2010 at 12:17, olim said: i dont want an arguement, but is it really your place to come in and in a way punish and enforce the law, it may be with good intention but the way you have come across, by being more concerned of how to take his permission than help. I just see it as i wouldnt like it if that happened to me and you wouldnt like it if someone did it to you, even if he is in the wrong. your not sending out a good message of how to gain permission either, if you have so much shooting permission that you cant use it all, consider yourself lucky that you dont need any more, so why do this. oli i see where you coming from pal, dont worri im not arguing either. call it airgun conservation if you will. its kind of the same when i get the numpties in the shop. give you an exsample. lad comes walking in trousers round his ankels one sock tucked in with a limp, "alr8 blood" ahh man look at these shanks there sick bro, look at dat one do some damage to (insert name) with that. "yo man how old ya have to be to get one of these?" the lad looks 18 20 ish. my reply 21 mate. this is because i wont sell a knife to some one that i dont think is buying it for the right reason. the law is acctualy 18. but you can tell when it not going to be used for camping ect ect. you could say that im being unfair or discriminating agains inderviduals or pushing the law and taking it on my self to inforce, how ever i sleep better not selling them to people like this,not just knives gun and pistols (by no means is the dicriptcion above how i judge some one its just an exsample. i go on the way they talk to me and body langudge). .disclamer... i do belive the land in question would be better in someone elces hands. for the sake of others and for the sake of all the animals on there that have been injured by said idiots,bear in mind a lot of these andimals arnt on lisence any time of year. one going to take on person finding some poor animal dieing slowly to cause a lot of grife for airgunners and the land owner.. atb Andy Quote Link to post
olim 28 Posted June 15, 2010 Report Share Posted June 15, 2010 Fair enough, its up to you how you deal with things, i also despice these type of people but getting back to the idiot shooters, they have to learn, they sound very inexperienced and like beginers, they may not have reacted well to you telling them what they should and shouldnt do, when i started I had a basic understanding of shooting, but learnt a lot from others especially from this site and its members. Think about as if your them, some one you have just met in the pub is lecturing you on how to shoot, in an abrupt tone of voice. Iv had some idiot that i have just met tell my mum that he thinks that i should not be able to apply for a shotgun license because of my age, after he had told me how he had nearly shot someone in a bush thinking it was a deer (not being able to see it) I didnt take to kindly to it. You have contradicted yourself by saying you want to get the permission for yourself and then saying that you dont want or need it, so why do anything other than help and advise him, none of us knew much when we started. oli Quote Link to post
rossy08 33 Posted June 15, 2010 Report Share Posted June 15, 2010 as it says in above post we did try to help him, and try we did. its not just some one random we meet we no the lad quite well. he has taken some advice on borde but then he sat there laughing he head off about the things he has been doing, big no no with me. best thing was he came to me in the first place for hunting advice. was more than happy to help him untill i found out what hes been up to. yes i put we need that land. and if you read under it to someone elce i do realise it sound abit off, more along the lines of we need to do something about that land,it should have said. my bad. an as i say we need to do something for the land owner sake for the animals and for the safty of others using the land.and for the sake of the proper airgunners. normall i wouldent do any thing but this is such a case that i feel i sould. may be im wroung, every one entitled to the opinion, and i respect yours, and have read cearfully what you have said. by no means do i see this as an argument just a discussion. atb andy Quote Link to post
olim 28 Posted June 15, 2010 Report Share Posted June 15, 2010 I didnt know the full story, good luck with whatever decision you make, hope it has a good outcome. oli Quote Link to post
rossy08 33 Posted June 15, 2010 Report Share Posted June 15, 2010 On 15/06/2010 at 14:40, olim said: I didnt know the full story, good luck with whatever decision you make, hope it has a good outcome. oli no worries there mate. all the best and happy hunting. good luck with the fac to mate. Andy Quote Link to post
garfield 23 Posted June 19, 2010 Report Share Posted June 19, 2010 just help the poor sod and maybee he is going on like that cos he knows nothing and feels he needs to over-compensate and who knows he might pick up a tip or two if not point him in the direction of this brilliant forum plenty to learn here without having to admit he knows nothing Quote Link to post
Ideation 8,216 Posted June 19, 2010 Report Share Posted June 19, 2010 Guys a chump - offer once to help and correct him but to be fair some people really are not worth the effort and in trying to teach him not to be such a muppet you will have to associate with him which may reflect badly on you. I would have nothing to do with the guy. . . . he's another example of the kind of people who should never have ended up with a gun. It's one of the major issues with air rifles . . . . . . amongst all the sportsmen there are some proper SCUM. Get the fox control permission, do a good job, act well, make it very clear you have nothing to do with the guy and wait for him to f**k something up and then get kicked off. But to be fair i would not be on a piece of ground where that idiot is shooting - you are liable to end up with a slug in the back of the head. 1 Quote Link to post
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