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lamping with terriers

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I would expect quite a few lads have lamped rats with terriers round the farms. I have its great fun, but lamping rabbits with a terrier is probably the biggest waste of time and a good way to loose a terrier

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I lamped my terrier on rabbits once. Both lurchers were laid up and the weather was perfect so i thought i'd give him a go. He caught one but its certainly not the way to get big bags. He tried his heart out but hes just not built for speed!


Stick to running dogs for lamping i think.

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I only ever tried it once for a laugh,had a 12month saluki/greyhound pup that wouldn't run the beam and in desparation went back to the van and got my leggy russell bitch to try and give my lurcher an idea what was expected,they were close slips,in fact almost dropped on top of them and she caught 2 out of 3,but these rabbits had not been lamped before,you might ask if the saluki cross learnt from her running the beam,well she never,she just stood staring making no effort to join in,that russell however could catch regular in the daytime so it was just a case her adapting and understanding what I wanted from her,I agree with tyla though lamping is for lurcher's not terrier's,the terrier's have to work very hard and my bitch looked knackered by the 3rd run,by the way my brother video'd it and I get it out now and then for a laugh when in the right company,I do think its alright lamping rats in barns,you can get some large number's if your preparation is right and most terrier's excell at it,atb,wirralman

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Lamped rats 4 nights a week for 4 years with my pack of 6 plummers at a fish processing factory...years ago mind..and then weekend nights lamped foxes with them never caught any but got real close many times ace fun :tongue2: . Rabbits yep many times and caugt the sqauatters..nealy had a little owl to when it sat on a golf coaurse once that was real close lol.

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