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do all kits bite?

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just wandered, just got meself a 7 week old vlack eyed white and he's abit nippy nowt too bad like, but you hear people say there ferret never bit em. Just wandered if mine were a little rouge or more bite than not? Thanks



just give it plenty of hadleing and it will be fine


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Hi mate must admit that my jills havent bit me yet and I have had em since kitts.

Bold statement bound to get nipped now!

I have been handling thier kitts since they were born and no probs there either.

I have found that all kitts bite tho, its just their nature.

I normally let em have a nip but once the realize your not food and your not gonna hurt em they generally stop!

Handling little and often is the way to go, be bold but not nasty, dont snatch away cos that just tempts em to nip.

Perseverance and patience, good luck



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Offer them your knuckle, if they bite it gently push it back into there throat, just gently enough to make them want it out, they will soon get that its not a good idea.


This is the best method Ive used as its instant so they relate biting to that, ive never found flicking noses etc works..

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ive never found flicking noses etc works..

some people think this way works but it dont take a step back and think what woud you do if you were a ferret that got hit on the nose all the time, you would bite back, handle it daily and give it ferretone and within a couple of wks it will be a soft lump but will still be a worker if you want, doing this will let it see your hands as somthng to look forward too, but remember kits are after all only babies and must be trained just like a kitten or a puppy.

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Offer them your knuckle, if they bite it gently push it back into there throat, just gently enough to make them want it out, they will soon get that its not a good idea.


This is the best method Ive used as its instant so they relate biting to that, ive never found flicking noses etc works..


this is the method we use too if we have one that bites.

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When i used to breed them every summer my hands had more marks than a self harmer ,but just feed them and handle them if they bite you its no sore and after a week/fortnight they should stop and be okay.with kitts theres no need to nose flick etc they will stop with a little work

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