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gun cabinet/safe advise please

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i was hoping some of you shotgun/rifle owners can help me a bit a here.i have just got granted my sgc and was talking to my friend who is a traditional blacksmith about possibly building me a new cabinet....this got him thinking if perhaps this is something he could do as a sideline offering a bespoke service building specialist cabinets and storage safes etc....we are not talking run of the mill filing cabinet types..he is thinking along the lines of a high quality polished stainless steel with lots of ornate metal work/designs to make them look really different and special.

what im asking you guys is...do you think this is a feesable idea??..most cabinets are hidden out the way in a cupboard etc but do you think there is a market for this type of item??

also...i am not personally aware of any lockable, purpose built safes for transporting the guns around,by that i mean is there a small safe that can be bought that fits into your car for transporting safely to the field/gunclub???....would it be something that any of you guys would consider worth while....i know that most of us will make do with a cheap but safe standard type cabinet but there folk around that want the best of everything.he can add or personalise these cabinets too with things like etched pictures of your dog or country scenes etc....hope this makes sense and i will greatly appreciate your thoughts on this.

Edited by gazzer
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Is out of sight, & out of mind. Who you show to !! Is not good idea where gun involv :icon_eek::no: to have fancy thing. Maybe ,good to make good cabinet , at correct price. Fancy no need :thumbs:

Edited by clint
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When inspecting cabinets, the police like to see that it is out of sight to any normal visitor to the house. Hence they are usually put in out of the way places or behind coats etc. I doubt that a conspicious safe would be a welcomed at all by plod.

As for cars, the same applies - they must be out of sight. If you build something that permits the safe to be locked into the car then this may have interest. If the safe can be just lifted out then it adds little over a soft case as the thief can just take it away and cut it open in his own time.

I like the idea of fancy metal work but a gun safe is probably not the place to have it. How about a nice ornate shooting wind vane instead.... ;)

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The security has to be "sufficient". If you can prove that an ornate cabinet in general view is as secure as a hidden away cabinet then it should be fine. Glass fronted display cabinets are fine again, as long as the security is similar. I'd guess that toughened glass, with a decent thickness, would be required.


As for in car gun safes, I've seen a few. Most people just lock guns in a boot, and don't leave them unattended more than is absolutely necessary. I have bolts that go through into the chassis, and loops which I lock a steel rope through and then pass it through the trigger guards. It's not fool proof, but it'd certainly slow anyone down! Permanently fixing a safe in the car would be fine as long as you don't need the space for other things. If someone came up with an easily removable safe system then I can see a good market for it.

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everythin would be made to exceptional standards,wether it be toughened bullet proof glass,or even fire proof metal...imagine your house burned down.....would be nice to know your guns are still intact :thumbs:


There are a number of options of quality (expensive) furniture cabinets, there are also portable/car options available.


Everything has a market but I suspect this will be very limited!

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