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ferreting in june

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hi got a couple of permissions asking me to rabbit at the weekend

not sure about it as i have only done it on r months but dont want to lose the permissions


also i have only ever used ferrets never used traps nor guns


so question is do the job and keep the 300 acres worth of permissions

or not do them and risk losing the permissions


i have long nets purse nets and 3 ferrets plus 2 dogs so what do you think

Edited by nathans
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A would say do them as it give you more experiance and chance for your ferrets n dogs too show there worth but really its your own choice at the end of the day and if you do it then good luck

Edited by Kevin_H
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You can do it man but it's going to be 300 acres of hell and pretty much not worth the hassle. If you have to do it you have to do it, but you have to expect to be fighting yourself through heavy undergrowth and digging lots of holes.


Have fun!

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If it was one of them dream jobs in the midlle of a field of very short grass I would be there , with a

locator and bottlle of frontline mind , av a good look see if you can pop some off with an air rifle , maybe lamp them at night , keep your options open till you sus the job out

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have ferreted mid spring/summer quite a few times now, same as you, not wanting to loose permission, or a paid pest control job, mainly people owning a field or two next to their house, I always explain to the customer the reasons for winter ferreting compaired to spring/summer, but I always stipulate, that any areas they want ferreting, they need to cut back the undergrowth a week or two before my visit, most have those sit on lawn cutters/small tractors, always get a 3ft strip mown either side, its then very easy to set out the long nets, and not that many more digs

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thanks for the replies


let me explain a bit better


i picked up three farms this month so i have some permissions for the season


all 3 said no shooting as they have had problems before ( beside i dont shot anyway)


one farm is having some issues with two sets. one set is around an oak tree hardly any undergrowth there but they are damaging the tree and some crop near it. the other set is in the corner of a field in the hedgerow that is next to the road again damaging crops. i have looked them both over and i dont think they would be hard to do. if i do them then i get to do the whole farm for the season (100 acres in all)


the other farm has a problem with crops as well but this is the tricky one as the sets are on an embankment area some undergrowth but not a great deal again if i do it i get 200 acres for the season


i have never done trapping shooting nor lamping so my only option is ferrets

but was a bit concerned for the time of year



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Get out there with a petrol strimmer and flatten the undergrowth where you want to ferret, if the landowner wants you to ferret it that badly, then get one of his lads out with the tractor mower or shredder, as long as your jills dont have kits you should be laughing :D

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do it mate it would be worth the permission or some one else will


Sounds good to me, I think you should go for it, it will secure your permission, keep the ferrets sharp and build up your confidance for the season, have you not got a mate or 2 to give you a hand?


All the best eather way,


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If i were you i would go for it. I have been ferreting two permissions i recently got in the last 2 weeks, not getting big numbers, just went for an hour or two to show my face and show im getting the job done bit by bit, so im welcomed back in the next season. So i say get the ferrets collared up and go for it!

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