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Guest AngelicAcid

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in what gun.look on youtube a lot of stripdowns on there.spring guns in general are the same principal for changing spring.if using a titan be sure to chrono,as these springs can take you way over 12lb on many guns.also ebay have instruction vids for gun tuning hope that helps



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Probably, :yes:


I should think they would do it as a matter of course :yes:

May even supply the spring, fit and fettle the thing for a reasonable price, but buy it from somewhere else and ask them to fit it, they will likely charge more.


Ask them for a all in price :thumbs:



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Guest AngelicAcid

Ive just got the spring, and know a lad who will fit it, dont think he has a chrono, if he hasnt, and i went to the shop to chrono it, if its up on the poundage, it will still cost for them to take it out, and sort it wont it?

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Thats where you wind up loosing your gun.


If its above 12ft/lbs the gunsmith is required by law to confiscate the gun if you dont have it on a valid FAC.


So get them to fit it, just to be safe, if they fit it, they will test it and alter it before they give it to you, making it legal. If you give it to them and its illegal, its gone as you are in possetion of a FAC rifle without the FAC. You break the law, daft, but thats how it is now :yes:


Slightly different, but same consequence:


A guy, found a sawn off 12 guage, that had been thrown over his garden wall by someone who had used the gun in a robbery.

This guy, picked it up and took it to the police to hand in :yes:

He was arrested on the spot for having an illegal firearm and was prosecuted :doh:


He was told, that "You should have left it in your garden and called the police to pick it up" Stupid? :yes:

But thats how the laws work now.


If he had left it and his kid picked it up and killed himself with it, while he waited for the police ?

Damned if you do, damnd if you dont!


Get the pro to fit it for you, best be safe than sorry yes?


All the best



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