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Bipod for under lever spring rifle?

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Is it possible to buy a bipod for a air rifle which has a cocking lever underneath the barrel? I have just bought a Air Arms tx200 .22. If you know anything for have any makes or designs you know of please let me know.


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thats a good one is that just had a look trough sum order books and cant find anything that would be any good to you.


hope some one elce can be of more use to you pal


all the best with it.

Andy :thumbs:

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Welcome to the forum there Wardyuk :gunsmilie:


Simple answer is DONT put a Bipod on a springer, either underlever, sidelever or breakbarrel :no:


Not unless you will be shooting from the pod every time you take a shot.


If you slap a pod on it, then oh sod it have a read here




Same answer as what you seek :thumbs:



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