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well lads did yesee about the foxs attacking them poor girls over in england?? how will the antis defend this one now? all the years trying to give impression these vermin wouldnt touch a lamb out in the country they only ate berrys and worms!! hope the public now see the need for PROPER fox control. all the best.JOHN

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with the huge increase in urban fox numbers in no small part due to the Brain washing of the urban people, to see foxes as a wonderful a bit of wildlife in your back yard.....the anti's have been telling people for years foxes only eat mice and worms, sometimes the odd bunny, but never lambs, now attacks on baby's by foxes are on the increase in urban Britain,also cases of TB passed from badgers to humans are also on the increase maybe people will begin to question what there told about our cuddly wildlife


edited to add those going out rabbiting with there terriers should be aware of the risk of TB





Edited by pickaxe
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John i posted this on another site, a non hunting site, i was shocked at the views that the tree hugging anti fukers had. alot of them said that they didnt believe it was a fox, some said the parents could have been covering for the family dog and used a fox as a scapegoat. others said that they believed the parents were mistaken and that it was actually a dog! even tho both parents got a close up view with the light on.

i couldnt believe my eye's when reading the replys. they just dont want mr fox to be protrayed in a bad light at all.there attitude is disgusting.

poor babbies, i hope they recover from this horrific attack.

a cull of urburn foxes is badly needed IMO

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John i posted this on another site, a non hunting site, i was shocked at the views that the tree hugging anti fukers had. alot of them said that they didnt believe it was a fox, some said the parents could have been covering for the family dog and used a fox as a scapegoat. others said that they believed the parents were mistaken and that it was actually a dog! even tho both parents got a close up view with the light on.

i couldnt believe my eye's when reading the replys. they just dont want mr fox to be protrayed in a bad light at all.there attitude is disgusting.

poor babbies, i hope they recover from this horrific attack.

a cull of urburn foxes is badly needed IMO


dev ur :thumbs: mate the antis dont want to believe it was a fox and dont want the city folk thinking that the fox wud do this as it would change everything and enable a cull on many urban foxes and maybe change the views of the idiots thats banned it

Edited by artful212
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There are loads of stupid conspiracy’s like it was a set up to make the public anti fox because a possible repel is on the way that is down right insulting to the family of these little kids. Its unbelievable the how low those crazy feckers stoop. :thumbdown: :sick:

All terriermen who have been bitten know the pain from a fox bite so god knows what those little nippers have gone through. I hope they are ok. :drink::thumbs:

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the parents should come on this site and see the support that we all give them........they'll get more from us lot who are supposed to be the bad 'ens


You're joking aint ya mate, there's even some of "US" :db: on here (in the other thread) saying that something isn't right, and that they think the parents could of been covering up for an illegal dog!


It made me f*cking sick reading some of it.


A fox bite is different to a dog bite (let alone the type of dog that is listed on the Dangerous dogs act). What parent would pretend its a fox just to cover up for a dog that has mutilated and nearly killed their children? I would seriously question the motives of anyone Anyone who suggests that they're covering something up.


Besides that the neighbours would of said something about there being a dog in the house. There's very little chance of the parents hiding the fact that a dog was in the house if there was one.


I hope both of these baby girls make a full and fine recovery, I also hope that the parents aren't put under any more grief than what they're already going through because of some of the ridiculous comments being made by Anti's questioning the sincerity of their story. They're going through enough stress as it is!

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the parents should come on this site and see the support that we all give them........they'll get more from us lot who are supposed to be the bad 'ens


You're joking aint ya mate, there's even some of "US" :db: on here (in the other thread) saying that something isn't right, and that they think the parents could of been covering up for an illegal dog!


It made me f*cking sick reading some of it.


A fox bite is different to a dog bite (let alone the type of dog that is listed on the Dangerous dogs act). What parent would pretend its a fox just to cover up for a dog that has mutilated and nearly killed their children? I would seriously question the motives of anyone Anyone who suggests that they're covering something up.


Besides that the neighbours would of said something about there being a dog in the house. There's very little chance of the parents hiding the fact that a dog was in the house if there was one.


I hope both of these baby girls make a full and fine recovery, I also hope that the parents aren't put under any more grief than what they're already going through because of some of the ridiculous comments being made by Anti's questioning the sincerity of their story. They're going through enough stress as it is!

reminds me of that case in australia when the dingos took that kid and killed it. they said it wouldnt happen and accused the parents.then low and behold years later the skeleton was found in a dingo den. the fox is a predator and an oppurtunist. he saw an easy meal ticket and went for it. thers to many foxes living among us in urban areas and the fox is getting more daring around human houses.
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