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Trying to deal with a small area of mole activity, which is roughly in the centre of a park/playing field.Only one fresh hill being put up,rest of them flat and stale.Managed to set a couple of traps in tunnels that seemed old and not well used,anyway picked up a mole the following day.Problem solved (or so i thought)less than a week later another mole,which also is only putting up one or two hills.Im thinking the moles are coming from deep,maybe travelling along old field drains.Id appreciate any thoughts or comments on this one , Thanks.

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middle of the park :hmm:


what happens if a youngster digs up a trap and badly bruises his fingers as it goes off

Fair point, I considered this and after checking the area out during the day,returned later in the evening,about 9 o'clock,all quiet so set the traps.I returned early morning the next day about 7.15 am,had a mole and lifted the traps.

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Trying to deal with a small area of mole activity, which is roughly in the centre of a park/playing field.Only one fresh hill being put up,rest of them flat and stale.Managed to set a couple of traps in tunnels that seemed old and not well used,anyway picked up a mole the following day.Problem solved (or so i thought)less than a week later another mole,which also is only putting up one or two hills.Im thinking the moles are coming from deep,maybe travelling along old field drains.Id appreciate any thoughts or comments on this one , Thanks.


Try stepping away from the current activity after you reset your traps in that area.

They are coming from the surrounding area somewhere, check hedge and fencelines for activity and have a nose over the neighbouring properties, set a couple of traps where you can find runs. The runs they use to get to the problem you have tackled may be deep and don't throw soilto form a hill because they are age old runs that new moles that reinfest just take to using. (god knows if I had to work as hard as a mole I would look for an easy option.)

Reinfestation will always happen, sometimes directly a resident mole has been caught. The other thing to bear in mind is moles are not as solitary as is often stated by people that don't really know much about moles, thats why molecatchers often get doubles in dufus or trapline sets!


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