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Try Roundup, spray it on, once its dry its safe to let your dogs near it :thumbs:




Round Up is bang on!!! :good: I sprayed my path with it (which was a bleedin' mess) about a year ago and the Path is still completely clear of any weeds now.


Dogs are safe to walk on it once it dried.


If you're going to use it, use it when there is no rain, because if it rains it dilutes it and it won't be as effective.

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Try Roundup, spray it on, once its dry its safe to let your dogs near it :thumbs:




Round Up is bang on!!! :good: I sprayed my path with it (which was a bleedin' mess) about a year ago and the Path is still completely clear of any weeds now.


Dogs are safe to walk on it once it dried.


If you're going to use it, use it when there is no rain, because if it rains it dilutes it and it won't be as effective.


cheers lads ill get that tomorrow :thumbs:

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my dad used diesel put it on and leave on over night to soak into roots then wash down with jetwash worked a treat


yea guess that would work aswell,heard guys who are wanting to kill a hedge cover the roots in rock salt from the bins in the street.think ill go with the weedkiller though mate.dont have a pressure washer.but cheers anyway :victory:

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Anything like Roundup I pick a good day put the dogs in the car spray the garden take the mutts out for a couple of hours till im sure the weedkillers dry then bring the dogs back and ive never had a problem

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On one of my spraying courses the bloke was telling us that the sales reps for roundup were supposedly drinking the round up bio to prove that its safe :icon_eek:

We use glyphosate in many forms at work, it does the job but you won't see instant results as it takes a while to kill. We used to use paraquat but I think its been stopped, that used to burn them off in hours on a hot day.

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. We used to use paraquat but I think its been stopped, that used to burn them off in hours on a hot day.



concil gardner that worked in my town split up with his wife,and he filled a lucozade btl of paraquat from the depot.took it home and drank it.

heard from his workmates that he died 2days later in hospital in agony. council stopped using it after that.

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