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I was just wondering if anyone else on here owns/uses a Spanish made, s/s .410 hammer gun, long shot i know but i had one for a long time and recently it began to jam when the shots had been fired - i.e - i could not fully break the barrel to remove the (fired) shells. I have replaced this gun with a similar but newer model and have found it to be going a similar way? Is this just me? A common problem? Any ideas?





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some time if lubricate too much ,can collect dust & sometime jam. Only use little oil on finger & wipe on area, which need.I use this rifle for many year ,is very good, for walk with.

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I have the same problem with my .410 Parkemy S/S Hammer



Yep thats what the current gun is - and it appears to be in mint condition. It only jams sometimes and takes a couple of tries to break, but the gun i just replaced was an older model which had started to do this a lot and then one day after firing both barrels it became completely impossible to open. I have been using 3 inch shells and the guns get a lot of use most days.


I'll check out the other suggestions and see if they sort it, cheers guys.





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