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Private land needed for rabbit shooting/control

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Prove yourself sensible on the forum and ask in the share a hunt section, see if theres any other members around your area willing to take you out.....Then you never know, you could end up helping all the time or getting some farms through them for yourself...


That's really helpful, thanks Ian.

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I'm sure you meant well, but you come across as nothing more than patronising and rude.


I realise some users are just 'like that', but I'd expect a little more from a moderator.


Firstly, you have no idea who I am or anything about me. You don't know who I've asked already, who's doors I've been knocking on, or who I've dressed up smart for. You'd do well not to assume in the future.


Secondly, I'm not some flyby wannabe, tyre kicker or 'newbie', I've shot for the Army and at a national level for many years. I am also a holder of a shotgun certificate who regularly attends shooting grounds and events in my area. I am an honest, law abiding, upstanding member of the gun owning community who mearly enjoys the sport. My needs for rabbiting are legitimate and reasonable; in that the rabbits I need to feed my vast collection of large Pythons is getting expensive (rabbits shot with a shotgun are no good due to the large quantity of remainent shot, hence the requirement for an FAC). I thought this, coupled with the fact that I enjoy shooting and that I might be able to help a farmer out with their rabbit infestation would be good enough reasons to enquire.


As a side note, I have already been invited out ferretting several times, but it's not something I enjoy enough to go regularly.


If this is the wrong place to ask for help then so be it, that's all you needed to say.


Thanks for taking the time to reply in any case.


my first posts was meant to be patronising, re read it yourself, put yourself in our shoes, its writtern as though we dont know the process of obtaining an FAC, but also like the 100's of other posts we see from new members, who havent contributed one bit to the forum, yet straight away ask for "permission"

you then dont approve of my reply, and state your experience, ok maybe you know people in essex and your now in bristol, Ive been a pest controller for 4yrs, have loads of ferreting permission, yet have only just aquired FAC permission, thats not from asking others, but all my own doing, so yes, I see red when others put up posts asking for it on a plate


everyone has given advice on the subject, even the site admin, as stated, once members get to know you, they may help, although you still hav'ent filled in your profile, and I'll be honest, if members cant be arsed to fill that bit in, my attitude is why should I try to help them

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