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Bow hunting is illegal in the uk mate, so are most ways for you really if your on your own. 17 for an air rifle, forget a powder rifle for a bit try applying for a shotgun and joining a club this will

Learn to walk, before you run, read a few topics on THL, find out where your heart lays, and start from there

  On 19/07/2010 at 22:26, norriemac3 said:

i am 16 , 17 next year but go out hunting with my dad , i own my own rifle but can only go out with someone who is 21 or older but my dad isnt as keen to go out any more and i cant go out my self so i convinced my mum to get me a whippet cross jackrussel and i take her out hunting it is just as good if not better but i still cant wait to go out my self with my rifle . you can also go into most hunting shops and pick up a good duck sling as there is no age limit to but , own , or hunt with one i own a pro diablo and shoot all sorts of pest but i haven't shot any rabbits yet . u should also try and join a shooting club like an air gun club anyway good luck :)

a person between the ages of 14 and 18 may shoot a air gun without supervision :D

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:laugh: this fourm keeps getting better and better :laugh: i will take anyone out that is wanting to lern field sports all they have to do is ask.i think it was that program kill it cook it eat it that got more people wanting to try hunting as a way of puting food on the table.and then you get the ones that kill game just for the hell of it.but at the end of the day i think every one that is willing to learn how to hunt should be given the chance.atb mark
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