CuriousPerson 0 Posted June 7, 2010 Report Share Posted June 7, 2010 Hi, very first post... I am wondering... how do i start? Ive always been interrested in hunting for years now... never got around to doing anything about it.. my parents dont seem too help much then i ask them about it... started using forums for anwsers and stuff a few weeks ago and i thought id find a hunting forum... so here i am... i am 16, wanting too hunt with a bow (if im on the wrong forum please tell me...) hunting as always pasted my mind, but i tottaly dont know how too start... can anyone help me...? i am pretty much on my own... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Halfinch 51 Posted June 8, 2010 Report Share Posted June 8, 2010 With a Bow:icon_eek:, Well i guess it is still Hunting, but i don't think you'll find too many people on here that do hunt with a bow. Good luck on it anyway! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mushroom 13,304 Posted June 8, 2010 Report Share Posted June 8, 2010 Bow hunting is illegal in the uk mate, so are most ways for you really if your on your own. 17 for an air rifle, forget a powder rifle for a bit try applying for a shotgun and joining a club this will show the fac officer that you are serious. you cannae just pick up a weapon and start killing things. Practice everything shooting target/clay pigeons, fieldcraft and quarry recognition. Learn the law that way you'll not get on the wrong side of it 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
CuriousPerson 0 Posted June 8, 2010 Author Report Share Posted June 8, 2010 oooh... well that sucks... always been into hunting with a bow... been looking around the web for some air rifles... 17 this year... Is it hard too get a air gun lisence? do i need an adult with me then i go out with the gun? ( i dont know any adults would can do that... none arae interrested ...) guess i will have to go out on my own... guess that sounds cool... just stalking around on your own in the wilderness... I live im cumbria... not interrested in getting any training... is training needed? is there anywhere in cumbria i can just go and shoot?... dont want too pay for training... just set up a target and shoot somewhere... what type of air rifle sould i be looking too get... there are meny and dont cost much.. around £100-300£... was thinking about this air gun, WEIHRAUCH HW98 F.T Long Range Air Rifle from Sportsman Guncentre Ltd... just wanna start on rabbits and maybe clay pigons someone said... dont know where to go and if i need a lisence or where to get one infact and land permission... can anyone help... wanna get out the house... need a hobby... maybe get a dog... maybe i can ask about that in another forum... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stealthy1 3,964 Posted June 8, 2010 Report Share Posted June 8, 2010 Learn to walk, before you run, read a few topics on THL, find out where your heart lays, and start from there 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
CuriousPerson 0 Posted June 8, 2010 Author Report Share Posted June 8, 2010 I guess you are right... I asked someone too take me Clay Pigeon shooting (Its a small disk... i thought it was a bird... heh...) guess i will start from there... maybe if i get good at shooting clay pigeons i cloud start shooting real birds/wildlife... thats how everyone starts off right? Whats the differens beteen a rifle and a Shotgun? can anyone tell me witch roles each one is used for? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Nathan_R 10 Posted June 9, 2010 Report Share Posted June 9, 2010 Hi CuriousPerson, It's great to see someone being proactive about finding a new hobby! First of all, finding somewhere to shoot: You obviously can't just shoot anywhere, it is essential that you get permission from the landowner first. If you have a big enough garden you can start to practice with an air rifle there but you must ensure that no stray pellets leave your garden. If you don't have access to a large enough garden you will have to seek permission from a farmer or someone with plenty of space. Don't be shy, write them a letter or go around and speak to them. Most people will be happy to help if they can. I would reccomend starting with an air rifle - Weihrauchs are very good guns that will last you a life time if you look after them. You can get cheaper guns that might be worth looking into to start off with though - call in to your local gun shop and they will be able to show you what's available. A spring powered air rifle will be much cheaper than a PCP (Pre-Charged Pneumatic) as you won't need any additional equipment such as air cylinders or pumps. Personally, I prefer shooting "Springers" anyway but I think I'm an exception to the rule on that! The difference between a rifle and a shotgun: A rifle fires a single bullet which is extremely accurate over long distances. A shotgun, on the other hand, fires "shot" rather than a bullet. The "shot" is basically a load of lead balls that spread out when leaving the gun. Because of this, shotguns are used to shoot moving targets (be it live quarry or clays) and rifles are used to shoot static targets over longer distances. Personally, I think starting off with an air rifle is the best way to go, as it is cheaper and you don't need a license. Practise as much as you possibly can, and only think about hunting with it when you can consistently hit your target. And always remember - SAFETY FIRST! If you're not used to handling guns of any description it would probably be worth joining an air rifle club where you will quickly learn safe gun handling habits. I don't mean to insult your intelligence, but it's amazing how many people injure themselves by doing silly things that are easily avoidable. Hopefully that answers your questions - good luck!! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
norriemac3 0 Posted July 19, 2010 Report Share Posted July 19, 2010 i am 16 , 17 next year but go out hunting with my dad , i own my own rifle but can only go out with someone who is 21 or older but my dad isnt as keen to go out any more and i cant go out my self so i convinced my mum to get me a whippet cross jackrussel and i take her out hunting it is just as good if not better but i still cant wait to go out my self with my rifle . you can also go into most hunting shops and pick up a good duck sling as there is no age limit to but , own , or hunt with one i own a pro diablo and shoot all sorts of pest but i haven't shot any rabbits yet . u should also try and join a shooting club like an air gun club anyway good luck Quote Link to post Share on other sites
norriemac3 0 Posted July 19, 2010 Report Share Posted July 19, 2010 where abouts u from ? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Sexy_Shot 5 Posted July 21, 2010 Report Share Posted July 21, 2010 where abouts u from ? Yeah... where you from... maybe one of us could come "show you the ropes" if you catch my drift Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Damoruss 0 Posted July 22, 2010 Report Share Posted July 22, 2010 Wish someone would show me the ropes. Bloody dark art this hunting lark Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Sexy_Shot 5 Posted July 22, 2010 Report Share Posted July 22, 2010 Wish someone would show me the ropes. Bloody dark art this hunting lark Where you from pal? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
christian71 3,187 Posted July 22, 2010 Report Share Posted July 22, 2010 (edited) . Edited July 22, 2010 by christian71 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Damoruss 0 Posted July 23, 2010 Report Share Posted July 23, 2010 Saddleworth/Tameside border. You? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
runforyourlife 361 Posted July 23, 2010 Report Share Posted July 23, 2010 Wathc it lads, seems very strange, could even smell a rat coming out of pc.. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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