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elecronic/digital fox callers

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im thinking of buying a caller so i can use it for rifle shooting

we have just required a new load of land and i want to make it easy to catch up with foxes as the last syndicate were useless in carrying out the fox control and heard tales of calling them in then missing a few

so a new caller is req'd to catch these out with a digi caller

which ones would you tell me to go for (i would like a remote one)

many thanks for any replies

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use a spare old mobile phone and use a fox call as the ringtone, simple, effective and cheapthumbs.gif leave it in a field and call it from your own mobile


That is GENIUS!!!


To be fair it was 'murphymax' that suggested it to me, so all credit to him really.biggrin.gif

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If money is no object then consider the Foxpro Scorpion - that is the ultimate remote caller with the added benifit that it can be controlled from just over 200 yds away and has the added ability of being able to turn the volume up and more importantly the volume down especially when a fox comes into the same field as you are in. Can change from a rat in distress to a mouse squeak with one push of the button.


In fact there is an article about it in this months issue of Sporting Rifle - the guy being interviewed is well impressed with his - Ahem.....that guy is me :whistling:



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I tried mobile phone calling before but it was not very sucessful :cry:

Although I was not used to hunting then so dont take my word.

I got my fox calls on Varmint Al's website, when on it go to Coyote calling example and flick down through the page until you see the call sounds in blue eg. jack rabbit, high pitched squeal and go from there. They are free to so its worth a shot!!!! :clapper:

ATB Stephen



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If money is no object then consider the Foxpro Scorpion - that is the ultimate remote caller with the added benifit that it can be controlled from just over 200 yds away and has the added ability of being able to turn the volume up and more importantly the volume down especially when a fox comes into the same field as you are in. Can change from a rat in distress to a mouse squeak with one push of the button.


In fact there is an article about it in this months issue of Sporting Rifle - the guy being interviewed is well impressed with his - Ahem.....that guy is me :whistling:




Had one for the last year and there great :big_boss:

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