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mother stuggling with kits

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the mothers got water and every time i go out to feed the mother i give her milk aswell. shes just bones at the minute. there is half a rabbit in at the minute for the young ferrets. the last time i went out they were feeding of the jill.

I thought you said she had stoped , at that age they will only feed from the jill when thirsty minced turkey is very cheap
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i thought she had given up on them some of the young ones were crying all day then i went in this morning they were faintly crying and felt freezing cold. the mother wasnt trying to get them back to the nest. some of them looked really week.

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Danman ......for people to help you out you must answer their questions! Did you say you have put a whole rabbit in? If so how long has it been in there? You should be feeding minced rabbit not whole rabbit at that age (you buy blocks from the pet shops of frozen rabbit make up a soup with that and kitten milk). Feed them kitten milk not puppy milk... although its not that much different the kitten milk has a lower lactose content and ferrets are lactose intolerant... Have you got another jill that less kits so that you can spread the litter out? Is this the first time you have bred ferrets? If the mother is a new mum she may be confused what to do.... where in the country are you?

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i thought she had given up on them some of the young ones were crying all day then i went in this morning they were faintly crying and felt freezing cold. the mother wasnt trying to get them back to the nest. some of them looked really week.

She may justbe exhausted and needs some help pop them back in the nest box

Edited by Jamie m
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your kits should be getting stuck into meat at 3 and a half weeks try them on mince or some kitty kat kitten food they shouldent be getting weaker if any thing they should be getting stronger at that age and always make sure your jill has plenty of good grub and the kits will be fine atb with them :thumbs:

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the kits know seem getting stronger im just helping the mother out feedinmg them 3 times a day with kitten milk. i put them half a rabbit in to have a chew on and some mince just interested in milk at the minute. i will keep trying them with rabbit. its the mothers first time with kits so 10 is a big litter i keep giving her vitamin paste and shes looking better putting weight on a bit, its helped because the weather has cooled down abit. thanks for replies

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ivejust had a litter of 13 she gets fresh meat rabits pigeons squirrel available to her all the time as some have said already it is just important for fresh water constantly when its hot twice a day all my young are fit and healthy and were feeding on whole rabbits at 3 week s before they opened there eyes. i dont think that it makes a difference if its minced or not in the wild they dont pop to the shops and ask the butcher to mince the rabbits for them. lol but i can see why its been said a few time if the kits are week it will be easier and take less energy for them to consume. if you have any pheasant in the freezer feed them that they pile the weight on with it. hope all goes well and good luck

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