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Guest Jane Russell

It must be the photos then cos they don't look good to me.


If I was listing them on ebay I'd take shots of each one individually and put the pictures in the main listing rather than just one in the ebay hosted pix bit.


The photos need to be taken in better light and showing the detail of the pieces.


I'll have a hunt about and see if there are any better works but I imagine they will be expensive :(



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i think there smart,like the one with the dog and badger ,350 starting price is a bit rich for me are there any other makers of this kind of thing?

Eh Mucker,if your strapped for cash i'll knock you one up for £349.00.lol After seeing them at that price i'm thinking of doing one of them sculpture classe's at the local college.

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i got different to these direct from a bloke up north.i can say they are brilliant.he was on ebay but i contacted him direct and he was great.few lads on another site have bought them and are well pleased.mine are black dogs on charlie and on pigs.even show marks and blood on them.

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