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rabbit trapping

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hi mate im no expert but used to do abit of live trapping in some flower beds look for the runs and set your trap there and use something like carrots wear gloves but live cought rabbits STINK and try and hide the trap as best as you can although mate snares are a better option good luck :victory:

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live traps are ok but not very good this time of year there is alot of food about for them to eat other than ur carrots in the cages, i never wear gloves when setting cages as i go first thing in the morning by the time they come out to feed the smell if any has worn off

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hi mate im no expert but used to do abit of live trapping in some flower beds look for the runs and set your trap there and use something like carrots wear gloves but live cought rabbits STINK and try and hide the trap as best as you can although mate snares are a better option good luck victory.gif

carrots hahaha good one buggs

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hi mate im no expert but used to do abit of live trapping in some flower beds look for the runs and set your trap there and use something like carrots wear gloves but live cought rabbits STINK and try and hide the trap as best as you can although mate snares are a better option good luck victory.gif

carrots hahaha good one buggs

haha i dont worry mate im not expecting a internet hunter to know how to even SET a live trap for any trap for that

matter :icon_eek: let alone whatgood bait to use :victory:

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hi mate im no expert but used to do abit of live trapping in some flower beds look for the runs and set your trap there and use something like carrots wear gloves but live cought rabbits STINK and try and hide the trap as best as you can although mate snares are a better option good luck victory.gif

carrots hahaha good one buggs

haha i dont worry mate im not expecting a internet hunter to know how to even SET a live trap for any trap for that

matter :icon_eek: let alone whatgood bait to use :victory:

i was mostly asking how to MAKE them i have caught pleanty of things in traps and snares internet hunter funny as feck lol :clapper:

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