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a pic of my new dog

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remember,lampin hares aint doin the buisness

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lts not the fellas fault he can only go on the word on the fellas that are selling the dogs he as has gone thought some dogs but if we all could get a good dog 1st time round then the hunting world be a great place but we all know there is more dirt then good just takes time he as good pup there seen it go its mad and he has be trying get a dog for hare during the day and we all know there hard come across all yea can do is keep trying

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lts not the fellas fault he can only go on the word on the fellas that are selling the dogs he as has gone thought some dogs but if we all could get a good dog 1st time round then the hunting world be a great place but we all know there is more dirt then good just takes time he as good pup there seen it go its mad and he has be trying get a dog for hare during the day and we all know there hard come across all yea can do is keep trying

exactly what im saying why sell it on for more dirt to be bred an get a trial wit anything you buy cant go wrong :thumbs:

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lts not the fellas fault he can only go on the word on the fellas that are selling the dogs he as has gone thought some dogs but if we all could get a good dog 1st time round then the hunting world be a great place but we all know there is more dirt then good just takes time he as good pup there seen it go its mad and he has be trying get a dog for hare during the day and we all know there hard come across all yea can do is keep trying

exactly what im saying why sell it on for more dirt to be bred an get a trial wit anything you buy cant go wrong :thumbs:

If your only paying 200 eur for dog most people wont give you trail with it or another few 100 is adding on because off trail and if your not working 200 is a few pound mate the dog will make a good lamping dog ans will suit someone who only lamps or ferrets its not dirt its just not good for what he was looking it for cant start on him he only took the word off fella was selling it sure you learn buy your mistakes :thumbs:

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conor ur not going to get much luck with that dog with all these people on here putting the jinx on but all u can do is take ur fellas word and give her a try and just remeber ther has been many of good dogs sold before so u dont no wat ur going to get



frank its simple. it works out 4 me or not fingers crossed time will tell

mate i sold a 3/4grey 1/4saluki to a lad from stranrae a couple of month ago,i had no doubt this bitch could do it and i was honest with the lad telling him exactly what the bitch had done,he is over the moon with her now she turns them inside out and is fast as fook,and i got rid of the bitch as she was a daytime dog and i mainly lamp so that was a good honest dog for sale with a good reason not everyone is out to rob people

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i dont think a dog stopping at a ditch is reason enough to sell it on. i think its a fairly sensless thing to do. There could be many reasons why the dog jibbed.


f*****g lurchers are treat like shit by some people tool box dogs thats all they are. if your swapping and selling dogs your no dog man in my eyes

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i dont think a dog stopping at a ditch is reason enough to sell it on. i think its a fairly sensless thing to do. There could be many reasons why the dog jibbed.


f*****g lurchers are treat like shit by some people tool box dogs thats all they are. if your swapping and selling dogs your no dog man in my eyes



:clapper: @ Stroller...

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Guest Bullet Train

Personally all the dogs ive seen stop at hedges and dykes havent been brought on properly from youngsters,especially daytime dogs,they are brought up like greyhounds and are green as grass,to many well bred pups are just expected to go and perform without properly entering them,ive seen a few and its a real shame.

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