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pigeon control

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I was requested by a farmer friend to take on a job of depleting the pigeon numbers in his milking parlours that roost on his metal girders.I am thinking of using the .22 cz rifle combined with the ''shorts'' bullets.Im just wondering if theres a better way,I am going to tape a small torch on to the sights and in the dark take a few pot shots at the nuisance birds.There could be a few jobs from this so I want to look effiecient and experienced.All ideas would help,any dangers possible mentioned would be greatly appreciated.Any other types of bullet,equiptment and method of approach would be great.

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I would have thought a cz was a little over kill, way too powerful for sheds, wouldent want holes in his roof would he


how about either a 9mm garden gun, or probably better a decent air rifle,


head shots will bring them straight down, body shots they can fly around spraying blood

Im presuming ferels are in there too


for the proffessional look, have a partner, he's your torch man, lighting up the pigeon to be shot, then after switching off, until the next one, saves spooking the birds, he can also bag up each bird as its shot, before the next, saves missing picking up a dead one, that then bleeds all over that expensive milking gear


use hollow head pellets, if you miss, as long as you have a backstop behind the shot, ie a gider, they will fold and flatten, rather that chance getting a ricochet

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lamping birds ............. no.gif



why not? it is a very common way to control feral pigeons on farms ....... someone please feel free to correct me if I am wrong but plenty of people control them this way....it is pest control.

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I do that to get the ratty birds, usually on my way back up from the fields after lamping for rabbits. During the day they tend to fly as soon as I walk into the buildings but at night they just sit there looking at me. Something to do with fish in a barrel.


I'd agree you could do with an air rifle for knocking off buildings, and HPs do go splat it you miss and get a grider or brickwork.

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I do that to get the ratty birds, usually on my way back up from the fields after lamping for rabbits. During the day they tend to fly as soon as I walk into the buildings but at night they just sit there looking at me. Something to do with fish in a barrel.


I'd agree you could do with an air rifle for knocking off buildings, and HPs do go splat it you miss and get a grider or brickwork.



Get an air rifle that has a redlaser, at such close shots it is less hassle than using a scope, a couple of years ago me and my mate had been clearing out the barns of the pigeons and we realised on the second visit we had missed a barn......well we opened the door (quickly shuttting it behind us) and all we could hear were the noise of the pigeons flying about in the dark, my mate only had a single shot springer rifle with scope and lamp but I had my pneumatic pump action with laser, with 10 minutes I had shot about 40 and he got 13! victory.gifvictory.gif


Hope you have some great fun.

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Thanks for the replys and help,I went into town today and bought federal GAME-SHOK.The gun dealer recomended them and said they would do the job spot on.If I had to get an air rifle Id have to go and apply for another licence and since I have 3 so far i think I wont push my luck any further.Chimp this isnt for fun,he has a lot of ferral pigeons shiting all over the place and wants it sorted if possible.Ive spoted 3 pigeons on nests at the moment and as much as i find it distasteful to shoot such birds I have to do it.This may get me a lot of ferreting and some hare coursing in the winter with the possibility of having the freedom to go and come as much as I want and have the run of the land day and night,thanks stubby,there the bullets I got today,especially for small targets.

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lamping birds ............. no.gif



why not? it is a very common way to control feral pigeons on farms ....... someone please feel free to correct me if I am wrong but plenty of people control them this way....it is pest control.



i was being sarcastic :) most birds ive taken at night i wouldnt dream of using a lamp tho lol :clapper:

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it shows that we all "dont know everything"


I found out yesterday about the smaller cart sizes for cz's letting you shoot inside sheds etc


lamping ferals is PERFECTLY LEGAL as pest control, I do it nearly every night on london underground, that doesent apply to other birds though


if using a red dot,, Id set it on the crosshairs still, and just use it as a distance marker, unless a good price is paid for a red dot, they tend to be very hit & miss

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Stubby I was going to put a small strong torch on the sights and turn it on when about to shoot,it wouldnt be a milldot just a regular light,would that work ok do you think?

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it shows that we all "dont know everything"


I found out yesterday about the smaller cart sizes for cz's letting you shoot inside sheds etc


lamping ferals is PERFECTLY LEGAL as pest control, I do it nearly every night on london underground, that doesent apply to other birds though


if using a red dot,, Id set it on the crosshairs still, and just use it as a distance marker, unless a good price is paid for a red dot, they tend to be very hit & miss



yep i agree , them red sights look the daddy but unless you know you are bang on x amount of yards they are a waste of time

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