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looks very much like the early sign of adrenal disease, it sarts at the rear and spreads upwards might be lucky not to lead to much but then she might go totaly bald, you can get a hormone implant to help but if im right it only lasts between 3 and 6 mths.


MATE YOU TALK SOME SHIT.Get a life you prick.



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looks very much like the early sign of adrenal disease, it sarts at the rear and spreads upwards might be lucky not to lead to much but then she might go totaly bald, you can get a hormone implant to help but if im right it only lasts between 3 and 6 mths.


MATE YOU TALK SOME SHIT.Get a life you prick.



look ya wee prick (and it was your boyfriend who told me that you had one) what do you know aboout ferrets? and what is your understanding of adrenal dissease. :wankerzo4:

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looks very much like the early sign of adrenal disease, it sarts at the rear and spreads upwards might be lucky not to lead to much but then she might go totaly bald, you can get a hormone implant to help but if im right it only lasts between 3 and 6 mths.


MATE YOU TALK SOME SHIT.Get a life you prick.



look ya wee prick (and it was your boyfriend who told me that you had one) what do you know aboout ferrets? and what is your understanding of adrenal dissease. :wankerzo4:


Willie you are not a vet ... adrenal isn't just about hair loss its usually accompanied by a few more clinical signs ... i am sure if the original poster has any concerns then he will take the ferret to a vet

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the ferret has had it before and has cleared up by itself , doesnt seem to be a disease does it .


it's that time of year with kits being in season or in kit.


is the ferret eating ok ( it looks well enough)


wulleh is a shit talker who thinks they are the only person in the world to own a ferret so take no notice of the scaremongering

Edited by chimp
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the ferret has had it before and has cleared up by itself , doesnt seem to be a disease does it .


it's that time of year with kits being in season or in kit.


is the ferret eating ok ( it looks well enough)


wulleh is a shit talker who thinks they are the only person in the world to own a ferret so take no notice of the scaremongering

My old jill had adeanal and only kept some hair on her head in the end but she did start off like this,but when she died she had all her hair back adrenal dont mean they are always going to be bald, and never did i say it was definetley adenal that can only be done by taken blood samples but hair loss from the flank working upwards is a classic sign. or is it not.

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well well look what i just found that jojoamojo posted


Q- My ferret is moulting

A- the best thing you can do here is monitor the fur loss, take photos to put on the forum and let everyone have a look, if the hair loss is bileteral (its in the same places on both sides of the ferrets body) then it is a symptom of adrenal disease, and the best person to discuss the options for adrenal with is a good vet. if its just abald tail its simply called rats tail and can happen to any ferret and is nothing to worry about.


like i said 'same shit spouting'

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well well look what i just found that jojoamojo posted


Q- My ferret is moulting

A- the best thing you can do here is monitor the fur loss, take photos to put on the forum and let everyone have a look, if the hair loss is bileteral (its in the same places on both sides of the ferrets body) then it is a symptom of adrenal disease, and the best person to discuss the options for adrenal with is a good vet. if its just abald tail its simply called rats tail and can happen to any ferret and is nothing to worry about.


like i said 'same shit spouting'

primate go away and play with yourself :wankerzo4: the guy asked advice on looking at the pictures i can only give advice on what i see and what if he has a 10" hole to his nest box you still going to claim it on entering the nest box,

as i said i give advice and i know my advice is sound it might not always be 100% as im not a vet that is why i SAID it LOOKS like early signs of adrenal, never did i say it was .

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hi ppl anyone no any reasons why me ferret could be goin bald this time last year it went bald and its starting to lose fur again any one no how i could fix this problem thnx ian

Hello when is she due they usually lose the longer coat and are left with a crew cut a week or so before the kits are due

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Willie the jills entire ... as your clearly an expert can you post the data that you have collated regarding entire ferrets & what percentage as opposed to neutered ferrets that are diagnosed with adrenal tumours

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jojo you been busted lol


funny how everyone has said the same but you have to scaremonger , next you will be trying flog him one of your £40 rescue stinkers.



£40 na that would be at a loss since i paid £50 fae you for them.

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Willie the jills entire ... as your clearly an expert can you post the data that you have collated regarding entire ferrets & what percentage as opposed to neutered ferrets that are diagnosed with adrenal tumours


im not an expert kay but run my findings on running a rescue and not just having to look after the same couple of ferrets for years, but you are right in what you say if his jill is entire and i must have missed this part then there is less chance of being adrenal as it tends to effect spayed jills more but has been known in entire jills, so i put my hands up if i made an error but come on with the symtoms given and the hair loss from the flank you have to agree this is classic signs of adrenal.

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