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What is it nervous of?


Rescue remedy is a herbal product that you can buy from any chemist . . . . a couple of drops on a piece of meat will calm a stressed/nervous dog down. I've used it with young horses with good results, also given it to an adult dog when recovering from injury, just enough to make a highly active dog steady enough to walk off lead, without risk of further injury. thumbs:

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shes just jumpy all the time had her from 6 weeks nearly 2 now you would think she was mistreated.if i had just got her i would say she had been hit every day but thats not the case.thanks hannah4181 ill give that a try.

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I'm afraid that some dogs are just very highly strung. I've got one here that I bred: her parents were not nervous in the slightest, nor her grandparents. She had a sister who was bold, but this one, now 6years old, is very skitty: but she isn't nervous of everything: just strange people and dogs, though in the last 2 years she has got a lot better. She's got Saluki in her which can make a dog very suspicious of strangers, (people or dogs outside of their own pack no matter how well you try and socialise them). Not saying that all Salukis are like that but it is quite common.


Also, if you didn't get the early socialisation into a pup like this it will never be truly confident around other dogs or in unfamiliar situations.

Edited to add: Dorwest Herbs do a herbal tablet: Valerian and Scullcap: very good for hightly strung animals. I have used it to calm down a nervous dog during fireworks night. It won't cure the cause of the problem but may help the dog to be calmer round difficult situations.

Edited by skycat
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