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Plating a leg break............

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Hiya JOEB,sorry to hear about your dogs leg. firstly im no vet but i can speak from experiance. i wittnessed a greyhound break its leg, as it was a coursing dog the owner thought that it wouldnt be of any use so was about to put it down,cut a long story short a family friend took on the dog along with all the vets bills. this leg was plated and the dog was soon on the mend. as for will your dog work again? cant see why not. as for the grey hound,well it made a full recovery and went on to catch many rabits for its new owner, ok it limped a bit and more so as it got older, but hay, dont we all?


Point of question: where on the leg is the break?

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Hiya JOEB,sorry to hear about your dogs leg. firstly im no vet but i can speak from experiance. i wittnessed a greyhound break its leg, as it was a coursing dog the owner thought that it wouldnt be of any use so was about to put it down,cut a long story short a family friend took on the dog along with all the vets bills. this leg was plated and the dog was soon on the mend. as for will your dog work again? cant see why not. as for the grey hound,well it made a full recovery and went on to catch many rabits for its new owner, ok it limped a bit and more so as it got older, but hay, dont we all?


Point of question: where on the leg is the break?


Thigh bone of her back leg....thanks for the reply fella :thumbs-up:


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the thigh bone at least has plenty of muscle around it. I would go for the pin rather than plate if at all possible, and if you want to give your dog the best chance of recovery. I have had 2 dogs break their legs, one went on to make an amazing recovery and the other didnt. good luck, JD

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Well.........3 days and £2600 later :blink: .shes has had the op, I am picking her up tomorrow.......

Took her to a bone specialist in surrey.....180 mile round trip and the same again tomorrow.

The place is called Fitzpatrick referals........the surgeon said that with no complications, she should be right as rain...but as with all these things.......you never know.


I will stick some pics up this week of a very sore lurcher and a very poor owner :cry:

And yes....thank god....I am insured.


Anybody cribbing at the price of insurance, take heed, it costs me £715 a year to do my 5 dogs, seems cheap now dont it!


Cheers all,


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Hope she comes good for you Joe :) Your right about insurance, I insure all but one of mine and with young kids we are always looking at ways of saving money :icon_eek: Dog insurance was one thing we discussed cancelling, things (and Bills) like that make me glad I haven't :yes:

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Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for the replys and PMs.......

I have had some good advice and some very kind offers of assistance and even loan dogs.......


What a top bunch you all are :D ........ :signthankspin::signthankspin::signthankspin::signthankspin:


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Guest craftycarper

who you insured with JOEB? and what was the excess on it if you don't mind me asking. My mutt i insured through tesco's and i'm gonna be getting the 2 pups done shortly so i'm just looking out for what else is about..

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Hope all goes well mate, lots of people out there with uninsured dogs and not many could face a bill like that, usually means an end to the dogs life,


well done mate for taking insurance and giving the dog a chance,


would you have gone through with it otherwise ? :(


Prompted me to insure my three dogs anyway £ 26 per month with good cover as well others wanted £30+ one wanted £40 :blink:


Cheers bob

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good luck JOEB, please keep us informed on the dogs recovery. I like to hear a happy ending.


To all those that insure their dogs, cheap isnt always best. read the small print. some may only insure you for "First" treatment etc......they are all out to get your coin and dont want to give it back! :D I will ask one of my pals what they recommend is the best insurance and why, the market is awash with these companies at the moment. I have never had pet insurance so i am not an expert, but i know a few that are. I will report back with their opinions on what are the best. :yes:

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JD i agree what you are saying but because of the ammount of companies offering pet insurance the competition is strong,


I agree with reading the small print but deffinatly compare the cover with other companies, well known companies like petplan which you see on offer in any vets and promoted by the KC

and tescos, direct line, morethan ect which spend millions on advertising dont always provide the best cover


The other thing to note as well not many companies offer to cover three dogs under one policy most want to do it individually so the premium increases :hmm:


Cheers bob

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