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I stripped the terrier a week ago and noticed that around her left shoulder there was very little if any undercoat. I thought i may had been haevy handed but didnt think i had been. Anyway out this evening and noticed what i thought was blood so i got home and gave it was wash with warm salt water andd it was just a red patch which i hadnt notcied until today so is a fresh mark. Its not hot to touch and the bitch isnt in any pain or discomfort, no limping and still running about like a nutter and nobody has notcied her scrathching or chewing during the day. She is also up to date with flea and worm treatment. Iv not found any fleas or ticks on her and i gave her a wash during the week last week aswell.


I changed her bedding to something thinner incase she is getting hot during the day nad to keep everything clean and fresh. Any body come across anything similar or have any ideas what it could be.


Il try and get a photo tomorrow



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Photo i just took, sorry if it hasnt come out to well




edit : It looks like its been weeping but its completly dry, its just some stuff i put on it called WONDER GEL which is a skin gel is use for healing bites ect

Edited by OldNog
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Photo i just took, sorry if it hasnt come out to well




edit : It looks like its been weeping but its completly dry, its just some stuff i put on it called WONDER GEL which is a skin gel is use for healing bites ect

Looks like what my cocker bitch has,but i dont know what it is,i have been rubbing in aloe vera gell which seems to help,good luck in clearing it up

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