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fox pics??

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The UK ban is recent and though there are a lot of antis there are a lot in favour of hunting too.


Some of us live in places where catching game with dogs has been banned a long time ago and where the overlarge majority is really anti-hunting. There are not even forums like the one we are on now but that does not mean that people are not using dogs to catch game.


I can understand both Lucky's and others views and the fact that the moderators don't want to deal with antis or law enforcing people.


Lucky if I were you I would make a nice book...you only need one disclaimer for historic material...if you do I'll buy it...



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If pics have to be removed then im afraid the anti's have already won.

Next you'll be removing threads for talking about banned topics, maybe youl'll start banning members next for talking bout it. Then we'll have a forum purely for anti's to talk about what their gonna ban next.


Keep hunting and always have your digi cam guys.


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Guest nitevision
for those of you who said "this site is going down hill" are that bothered then why are you still here? and for those who have a problem with the rules of the forum? you dont have to stay? but on the other hand dont ruin it for others, i admit i put a pic up once that was wrong of me to do, it was edited,but i didnt cry about it! get a grip, who needs to see what your dog can do? you are the only one who's gonna be prode of it so save them for your self :signthankspin:
nothing wrong with being prode of my dogs mate :11:
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Guest big brad

luckys got it spot on this ban will never get overturned get real if you are working your dogs i am afraid breaking the law will become part and parcel of the sport who can honestly say if a fox appeared fifty yards in front of you and your 70 pound bull cross that you would stop to think of the consequences

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For those who have posted action pictures with dogs and foxes, just to let you all know, they have been taken off, till further notice. Not good folks, for our sport at all. :no:




so whats the outcome, i thought today was judgement day ??

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Dont take the piss lad's .. :blink::blink: .. the lad who run's the site is home today as he works offshore and can not access the site properly where he work's..

But on his travel's home he will prob's be half pissed now as 6 hrs on a train can be soul destroying..

He will probebly get on with the task tomorrow..

So all you people who think it's clever to post pointless shite and pic's you had better start looking for an internet site that will accept it because this one wont.



is that aimed at me, looks like you already come to a decision, save me the suspence and f*****g delete me, and as for finding alternative sites i have 4 infact, but i'd rather be out working my dogs than stuck on the pc, this site used to be the best but it's f*****g pathetic lately.

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not trying to strum the banjo but will it stop at fox pics?????can we expect that very soon we wont be able to post action shots of rabbits and rats incase they offend? i can understand the argument but surely if there genuine old photos and theres no nudge wink involved then were just bowing down to anti presure????

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I love to see everyones dogs & pic of em working......I would love to sit and discuss all manner of quarry with all you lads.........but I think the jist of things is this.......If it was only us gonna get in the shite, then fair enough....but in all fairness, Ian dont want to come home from a long shift off shore or whatever to find the old bill or some dum ass reporter waiting on his doorstep....I know I wouldnt, and none of you lads probaly would either..........so lets take a step back.......I think we all know the lads that are getting out and doing a bit or can figure it out.......do a write up boys of your trips out, I am sure most of us can fill in the gaps or figure out what quarry you may be talking about ;) ...........

All the best and good hunting.....I know you will ;)


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Also i never boast about how much i get with the dog's i dont get world beating type number's but i get enough to keep me going and i bet i get a hell of a lot more than.. 95% of the folk on here.. ;) ..



Do what I do M...keep taking the same 3 out the freezer :11:


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Look its like this


Its now illegal to hunt fox/deer with dogs, why advertise the fact your breaking the law, you can easily be found, do you really want a close examination of everything you own and worst comes to worst possibly your dogs taken?


How can any of us promote hunting when people are constantly posting images of banned quarry, I know its a complete ball ache, but its just the times we live in, if you do go on about it, which I know many do, WHY advertise it, you bring everyone into the spotlight....its not much to ask is it, there are loopholes, so use them to your advantage..ie take a gun..

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If pics have to be removed then im afraid the anti's have already won.

Next you'll be removing threads for talking about banned topics, maybe youl'll start banning members next for talking bout it. Then we'll have a forum purely for anti's to talk about what their gonna ban next.


Keep hunting and always have your digi cam guys.


i had a thread removed for exactly that

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