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fox pics??

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whats the craic with them, after reading 4 pages in flame threads i'm still no wiser ?

is there a total ban on fox pics ?

do they have to be pre ban ?

do they have to of been taken in ireland etc ?

is it just no action shots ?

i posted pics that were taken well before the ban came into effect, but they were still removed ?.

who's to say the pics were'nt taken before the ban, or taken in ireland etc ?.

if pics of foxes and lurchers are no longer allowed then should'nt all the pics of deer and hares be removed aswell ?.

and as it seems that the law is moderating this site now, will people have to post a pic of there written permission when posting any rabbiting images, as it's just as illegal to kill rabbits without permission is'nt it ?, who's to say it was permission then ?.

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i can imagine where i stand, i better get some ferrets sorted out :laugh:

will i be getting a written warning ? why not just delete me because i dont think i'll fit in right on "HARDCORE RABBITING" or "THE RATTING LIFE.COM".

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Pictures of fox actually being killed with dogs on a photo have never been tolerated very well, and nine times out of ten have been removed from every forum ive ever been on, the old smoochers etc pre ban or not.

I thought my post in the flame threads adequately explained...

If this ban is going to be overturned it will have to be with a high majority of the public backing it. The Tories wont come into power and just do it, they will need the public behind them. Pictures like these no matter when they were taken will not help that cause, anyone sitting on the fence prior to seeing them would probably turn to the anti side.

When others hunters are complaining about these pictures being in poor taste then imagine how a person with no hunting experience would view them. Some photos are just not needed.

Im sure you know the rest of it....pre ban only, or 1st shot then ragged by a dog. Still legal in ireland.



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With all respect to Ian etc.........


What's the f*****g point of the site these days ? No hunting pictures ? Absolute madness..................


You have to register to use the site so if you are offended by these images take up knitting or start showing Yorkies and just do everyone a favour and piss off..........


Perhaps the perfectly orchestrated set up pics are allowed though. You know the ones. Rabbits laid out in a line, new shotgun propped up against ferret box and lurcher sitting neatly by the side on PERMISSION !!!!!


MADNESS .............

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the thing that pisses me off, is the fact that the picture was over 3 years old and one of the very few i have off Tyson, i wanted to show how the pup out of him looked so alike.


i dont have hardly any pics of tyson because i lost them all on a previous pc, so the pics that i showed are all i had to show and the same pics are still on other forums and i have'nt had any complaints from admin or mods etc..


this site as changed a lot lately new mods, genuine members just leaving etc, and to be honest the majority of the posts are pretty poor, nothing like what it used to be, i understand that the change in law has effected most of us, but imo a lot of decent people have stopped posting altogether, because of the shit they get afterwards, complaints, pms from mods etc.


if i go out and steal something who gets done me ? or everyone on here ? me obviously and hunting is no different.do you honestly think that the c.p.s would take someone to court for putting a picture up on the internet of a dead fox, like f**k they would.


get in the real world there is'nt going to be any changes in the law for a long time, if ever so i am just carrying on as normal not waiting around and dreaming of a life without the ban, i'm proud of my dogs and i hope people enjoy seeing pics of them doing what they do best, as much as i enjoy seeing similar pics from other members ;)

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This is now getting pointless, lucky you get out and work your dogs a lot, got to admire that but as you know yourself theres some 100% pricks in the dog world, that do nothing and post as if they do, and I bet most of them are on these internet forums....as a mate said on the phone the other day, half of them you wouldn't waste your breath on if you met them in real life...so he doesn't bother no more and I can see exactly were hes coming from, you have your own opinion, and you know how I stand on it myself,...but the thing is, its not doing any of us favours by posting these sort of images to the public..its easy to say f**k them, I don't care...but its the wrong way to go about it...


As for members stating preban, if any of you want to start a site were members post blatantly about catching lamped deer & fox go ahead....if your that for it, go for it.......just let it be on your own heads the evidence your so easily advertising......

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Personally,....I have always believed what a man chooses to hunt with his jukels is entirely HIS affair :whistle: Telling folk what they can or cannot do, is an anathema to me.

I hate censorship..I just don't like it. It makes me feel sick.... :blink:

However,... :D This is Ian's ball,...and he is at liberty to say where we kick it,...end of story really ;)

All the best to ALL crosses,...CHALKWARREN.... :11:

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Guest Taffydog

im not being funny you might aswell shut these sites down ,as if we cant share pics of dogs at work its pointless being here you might as well put them to anti hunt sites as we dont seem to get much luck with them taffydog :hmm:

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the thing that pisses me off, is the fact that the picture was over 3 years old and one of the very few i have off Tyson, i wanted to show how the pup out of him looked so alike.


i dont have hardly any pics of tyson because i lost them all on a previous pc, so the pics that i showed are all i had to show and the same pics are still on other forums and i have'nt had any complaints from admin or mods etc..


this site as changed a lot lately new mods, genuine members just leaving etc, and to be honest the majority of the posts are pretty poor, nothing like what it used to be, i understand that the change in law has effected most of us, but imo a lot of decent people have stopped posting altogether, because of the shit they get afterwards, complaints, pms from mods etc.


if i go out and steal something who gets done me ? or everyone on here ? me obviously and hunting is no different.do you honestly think that the c.p.s would take someone to court for putting a picture up on the internet of a dead fox, like f**k they would.


get in the real world there is'nt going to be any changes in the law for a long time, if ever so i am just carrying on as normal not waiting around and dreaming of a life without the ban, i'm proud of my dogs and i hope people enjoy seeing pics of them doing what they do best, as much as i enjoy seeing similar pics from other members ;)


good man lucky i loved to see the pics of your dogs...but that joy might be gone now :( . Taffydog i don't personally think that these sites should be shut down. As it's great to see people alike with there days catch and have a good laugh etc.

staffy-1 ;)

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You dont need to start the ferreting game yet mate.. :D .. just keep the pic's half real for now none of this jaw to jaw stuff and disemboweling pic's as all's it's doing is adding fire to the turd's who are against our pass time/hobby and way of life..

Ive had a good few pic's deleted over the year's myself but i see the sense in it really as not everyone likes what we do ..

So we need to use a little bit of tact in the photo bit.. ;) .. i and a good few lad's on here can read through post's and know what exactly as gone on out in the field.. all's you need to do is add a little story to it.. :whistle: ..


Sensilbe approach Id say,well put Millet!

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Guest Taffydog

the thing that pisses me off, is the fact that the picture was over 3 years old and one of the very few i have off Tyson, i wanted to show how the pup out of him looked so alike.


i dont have hardly any pics of tyson because i lost them all on a previous pc, so the pics that i showed are all i had to show and the same pics are still on other forums and i have'nt had any complaints from admin or mods etc..


this site as changed a lot lately new mods, genuine members just leaving etc, and to be honest the majority of the posts are pretty poor, nothing like what it used to be, i understand that the change in law has effected most of us, but imo a lot of decent people have stopped posting altogether, because of the shit they get afterwards, complaints, pms from mods etc.


if i go out and steal something who gets done me ? or everyone on here ? me obviously and hunting is no different.do you honestly think that the c.p.s would take someone to court for putting a picture up on the internet of a dead fox, like f**k they would.


get in the real world there is'nt going to be any changes in the law for a long time, if ever so i am just carrying on as normal not waiting around and dreaming of a life without the ban, i'm proud of my dogs and i hope people enjoy seeing pics of them doing what they do best, as much as i enjoy seeing similar pics from other members ;)


good man lucky i loved to see the pics of your dogs...but that joy might be gone now :( . Taffydog i don't personally think that these sites should be shut down. As it's great to see people alike with there days catch and have a good laugh etc.

staffy-1 ;)


yes but you wont see the catches anymore i agree you can have a laugh but things are getting petty now aint they .be honest .f**k the ban

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