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happy birthday scottish lass

Guest traceyg

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Guest traceyg

How the hell did you manage to reach the big 30 with all cider in you


well its a great excuse to have another and i am just sorry i am not there to join you ( like fk )

i really hope you have a great day and are sober enough to remember it :tongue2:

all the best mate have a top day and don't forget no matter what anybody says i think you look sexy

at 30





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Lass........I didn't realise you were such a ravishing beauty to be honest and the picture doesn't really do you justice and you have left me fair bumswizzled I have enclosed a wee picture of myself with the hope that we can become more than just friends and share half a cup of tea and a slice of cake later.


Happy Birthday Lass......You have a lovely day and enjoy a glass or ten later. Remember birthdays are good for you.......The more you have the longer you live.


Best Birthday Wishes




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Thank you for the birthday wishes everyone i will be taking a wee drink later on tonight then have an all day session planed for saturday


Rolfe you look sooooooo sexy would love to met up for a wee bit of cake any chance of anything a bit more :wub:


Den if yer gan aboot denholm on sat and am layed oot pisssed somewhere please return me to my owner :D


Matty if yer landy was a bit lower i would have never ripped ma breeks :rolleyes:

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