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chavs with air rifles

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Guest fence_hopper

why be a grass ? after all it would take them 6 months to come out lol


just go round there house and have a word , if that dont work just take the f*****g gun and smash it up.


grasses :thumbdown:



fence hopper sweetheart , no need to grass

maybe he wont phone the police but when he smashes the gun up they will. say :bye: to the fac liscence thats how it works the none grasses always end up fuked buy the law been there myself :thumbs:

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Grow up!   People like these tools give EVERYONE who uses guns legally a bad name!   Better to be a grass than to find out someone has been hurt because you didn't notify the police! Yep the pol

"Yeah lower yourself to being a grasser "   And when a wee kiddie gets a pellet stuck in their head, you can hold your head high and say "at least i'm not a grass".   I would never go to the polic

ask them if they want a day out

It's amazing how backwards some of the folk on here are. It's just embarrassing to the rest of us. I mean obviously if some one walked into the pub i was drinking in and shot a couple of people. . . . i would never 'grass' on the gun man . . . . thats just not cricket is it! I'd just sit there, stare into my pint and pretend nothing had happened. I mean F*CK those folk who just got killed and their families . . . . . can't go messing up my reputation as a no-grassing thug now can i?


Some of you guys should listen to yourselves . . . .your a joke.


well its evidently obvious you have lived a shelterd life.maybe where you come from thats the norm,suppose you could always air your greviances to the chief consatble at your next lodge meeting whistling.gif


I hope the police never granted you an SGC/FAC with an attitude like that ! can you imagine the interview 'Yes I would like a FAC/SGC as long as you don't expect me to be respectful of those who uphold the law or report crime' You really should get a grip of yourself if where you live is that bad you should move somewhere normal cos that ain't normal in most peoples views.thumbs.gifthumbs.gif


so cause we dont trust the police that makes us bad people?im actually in a better area now but i will never let go of my principles or my roots.i can only imagine your dealings with the police have been a rather pleasant affair.Yea there good and bad in all walks of life.however they are the law and they should be respected in your eyes.well maybe in the perfect world but in reality that dont happen.an organisation like the police should be sqeaky clean and represent all that is good and just.but what happens when they find a bad apple in there force,do they get rid of it before it rots the whole barrel.no they dont they close ranks and protect their own.well me and my like do exactly the same.but hey no hard feelings and atb :victory:

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The way I would handle it is go round, see the parents, explain to them the laws (print off a piece of paper with all the laws if you don't know them off by heart, in which case the BASC site will be helpful) and recommend that they either enlighten their children or confiscate their air rifles or something. However, I suppose that paarents who raise such kids are unlikely to listen, so when you do end up having to call the police they'll know who it probably was. hmm.gif


You could just put a letter through their letterbox, but that'll probably do nothing. doh.gif



Your watching to much daytime TV bud.The P. C Brigade f**k that phone the police.I am fedup paying for numtiesno.gif

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So if some one saw a nonce abduct a small child in a car they wouldent get their mobile out streight away and phone the old bill for fear of being labeld a grass ffs get real


now your being ridiculous poacher.cheap shot to win your argument thought you were a better man than that. :thumbdown:

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So if some one saw a nonce abduct a small child in a car they wouldent get their mobile out streight away and phone the old bill for fear of being labeld a grass ffs get real


now your being ridiculous poacher.cheap shot to win your argument thought you were a better man than that. thumbdown.gif

O.K then last year my mate approached me and told me an idiot we have living on the estate who been locked up twice for mugging pensioners had shown his lad bragging of an automatic pistol complete with a clip of bullets and asked me wat he should do as he didnt want any greif to his door i just said think wat happend to that poor lad in liverpool on his way home from football practise and wat his family will have to go through for the rest of their lives and knowing a c@nt like that was roaming about with a gun he never gave it a second thought as if anything happend to my kids like that and their was twats out their who knew they had these weopons but chose not to say any thing through fear of them being branded a grass i would hold them partly to blamethumbs.gif

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So if some one saw a nonce abduct a small child in a car they wouldent get their mobile out streight away and phone the old bill for fear of being labeld a grass ffs get real


now your being ridiculous poacher.cheap shot to win your argument thought you were a better man than that. thumbdown.gif

O.K then last year my mate approached me and told me an idiot we have living on the estate who been locked up twice for mugging pensioners had shown his lad bragging of an automatic pistol complete with a clip of bullets and asked me wat he should do as he didnt want any greif to his door i just said think wat happend to that poor lad in liverpool on his way home from football practise and wat his family will have to go through for the rest of their lives and knowing a c@nt like that was roaming about with a gun he never gave it a second thought as if anything happend to my kids like that and their was twats out their who knew they had these weopons but chose not to say any thing through fear of them being branded a grass i would hold them partly to blamethumbs.gif

ok mate your 1st point about mugging old woman he would be dealt with and the cops would be able to pick his battered body up from some park or wasteland.and he would not be allowed to live in this area again.your other point about about the lad with the gun.i would do nothing. f**k all to do with me what he does,and no if a kid was shot i wouldnt feel responsible.im sorry if that is distastefull to you,but its just the way it is.your still trying to justify that grassing people up is the way to go.im sure you have witnessed crimes and possibly been involved in a few yourself.I reckon you would be well pissed off if someone stuck you in.oh and incidentally the majority of grasses are seasoned f*****g criminals themselfs.they do it to take the heat away from themselfs or to strike a deal with the cops to carry on there own criminal activities.do you reckon that is fair poacher? cops allowing criminals to function without hinderance from the law as long as they stick in a few law breakers every now and again.no one likes a snitch we are told that from an early age and even our parents told us no one likes a tattle tale.or maybe my parents were bad people. :whistling:

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So if some one saw a nonce abduct a small child in a car they wouldent get their mobile out streight away and phone the old bill for fear of being labeld a grass ffs get real


now your being ridiculous poacher.cheap shot to win your argument thought you were a better man than that. thumbdown.gif

O.K then last year my mate approached me and told me an idiot we have living on the estate who been locked up twice for mugging pensioners had shown his lad bragging of an automatic pistol complete with a clip of bullets and asked me wat he should do as he didnt want any greif to his door i just said think wat happend to that poor lad in liverpool on his way home from football practise and wat his family will have to go through for the rest of their lives and knowing a c@nt like that was roaming about with a gun he never gave it a second thought as if anything happend to my kids like that and their was twats out their who knew they had these weopons but chose not to say any thing through fear of them being branded a grass i would hold them partly to blamethumbs.gif

ok mate your 1st point about mugging old woman he would be dealt with and the cops would be able to pick his battered body up from some park or wasteland.and he would not be allowed to live in this area again.your other point about about the lad with the gun.i would do nothing. f**k all to do with me what he does,and no if a kid was shot i wouldnt feel responsible.im sorry if that is distastefull to you,but its just the way it is.your still trying to justify that grassing people up is the way to go.im sure you have witnessed crimes and possibly been involved in a few yourself.I reckon you would be well pissed off if someone stuck you in.oh and incidentally the majority of grasses are seasoned f*****g criminals themselfs.they do it to take the heat away from themselfs or to strike a deal with the cops to carry on there own criminal activities.do you reckon that is fair poacher? cops allowing criminals to function without hinderance from the law as long as they stick in a few law breakers every now and again.no one likes a snitch we are told that from an early age and even our parents told us no one likes a tattle tale.or maybe my parents were bad people. whistling.gif

You are right he should be dealt with problem is the law comes down twice as heavy on you plus all these twats causing mayem on housing estates all over the u.k are the first to run to the police once they get a taste of their own medicinethumbs.gif

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this guy is asking what to do its not about being a grass its about being responsible with fire arms which these people are not eny way if it means being a grass to stop some one getting hert then so beit


listining to some of the comments from so called hunters on here they are obvosuly not true hunters as they are spouting bull like i would go and sort them out what aload of shit these people on here dont deserve to have fire arms and are just a bad name to all of us serious people who love and want to protect our sport becuse lets face it we need all the suport we can get.


some of you on here who give it the grass and i am the big iam should be ashamed of yourself i am sorry that you are a part of the shooting /hunting comunytie


Another grass with his knickers in a twist!


It's not about being a big man, or acting hard its about having a bit of self respect and not being a piece of shit.


Grassers disgust me.

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Are you saying that if (for instance) you were in a pub with your family / mates and a nut job that you know walked in and injured a friend of a friend or a family member you wouldn't "grass" to the police?


I find that very hard to believe.




No I wouldn't talk to the police. I'll sort my own problems out, should any occur.

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this guy is asking what to do its not about being a grass its about being responsible with fire arms which these people are not eny way if it means being a grass to stop some one getting hert then so beit


listining to some of the comments from so called hunters on here they are obvosuly not true hunters as they are spouting bull like i would go and sort them out what aload of shit these people on here dont deserve to have fire arms and are just a bad name to all of us serious people who love and want to protect our sport becuse lets face it we need all the suport we can get.


some of you on here who give it the grass and i am the big iam should be ashamed of yourself i am sorry that you are a part of the shooting /hunting comunytie


Another grass with his knickers in a twist!


It's not about being a big man, or acting hard its about having a bit of self respect and not being a piece of shit.


Grassers disgust me.

:clapper::clapper: :wankerzo4: it is pepople like you who make me sick you are a disscrace to our sport and yourself its people like you who give us all a bad name with your bad atitude :crazy:

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