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Anyone recommend a reloading recipe for Blaser .22/250?

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I have a Blaser .22/250 Professional that I use for the foxes. I had been using 39.9 grains of Hodgdon H380 Powder, Remington Brass, CCI Primers & Hornady V-Max 55grain heads, last year when I was checking this load I was getting around 1/2'' groupings at 100 yards. But when I have had it out lately I am back up near 1'' groups. Can anyone explain this? the rifle hasnt been shot much since last year (maybe 10-15 shots).


Also if anyone can advise me on a new recipe to try out I would be grateful. The rifle has a full length barrel.




Edited by nessie122
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I have a Blaser .22/250 Professional that I use for the foxes. I had been using 39.9 grains of Hodgdon H380 Powder, Remington Brass, CCI Primers & Hornady V-Max 55grain heads, last year when I was checking this load I was getting around 1/2'' groupings at 100 yards. But when I have had it out lately I am back up near 1'' groups. Can anyone explain this? the rifle hasnt been shot much since last year (maybe 10-15 shots).


Also if anyone can advise me on a new recipe to try out I would be grateful. The rifle has a full length barrel.






Well, Dicehorn is the man, im sure he will follow with a post, and also shooting a Blaser. :thumbs:

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Well, Dicehorn is the man, im sure he will follow with a post, and also shooting a Blaser. :thumbs:



Thanks Blackfox - I'm now in the room!!


Shot Blazers in 6.5 and 22.250 for over 10 years. Up until last November had the ordinary barrel on the 22.250 but changed to their Varmint barrel. The old barrel shot consistently under .3 if I did my bit.


Have tried most powders including H380 but for a number of years been using N150 @37 gr using 55 gr V max.

I found that Blazers like to jump down the rifling - in fact my old barrel liked bullets seated back 137 thou from the lands - that's an ogive measurement. I also use Remmington cases and CCI primers - so we are similar - just need to change your powder.


In truth the secret of consistent accurate loads comes down more on how you prepare the cases and not so much on what powder you use.


This next bit of text is a copy of my records for the old barrel which I would imagine is the same type of barrel you use.





22.250 Hornaday V Max 55 gr N150 at 37 gr

Ogive 1.970 (137 thou back)

CCI Primers. Remington brass

Trim to 1.906.

Summer 3592 fps

(Spread 7 fps)

Shoulder datum length 1.569 -

use the .004 shellholder

Necksize with 250 bushing

followed by 247 at 4 (20)

Shellholder RCBS 3


If you want to talk on email - feel free

PS there is a picture of my Blazer on the centre pages of the latest Sporting Rifle when a guy did an article about me.





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