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gun man on killing spree

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david cameron has released a statement saying "there should not be a "knee-jerk reaction" to changing the laws on gun ownership" I didn't vote for him but I respect this as we can be sure its would have been a very diffrent statement from the former government.

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I am truly sorry about this situation and have only condolences for the families of the victims.. I will include them in my prayers!

Very sad affair

Well its as we expected the media now cause mass panic and say that gun laws are not working and demand a change in them, then all the anti`s jump on the band wagen too. I had to turn the news off las

Its been said that his sgc and fac had been granted five years after being given a suspended sentance for theft if i was any of the victims family i would want a serious investigation into why he was granted these.I thought it was ten years before a conviction was spent.I got the knock back from a job because of poaching offences that come under the theft act but they gave this cretin gun licenseswallbash.gifcensored.gif

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There saying this morning he lost it because he was getting investigated for tax offences there was £60,000 in his account ,but yesterday it was to do with a will because the first one he shot was his twin brother then his solicitor . Just need to let the investigation run it course and see if they can figure out what set him off .

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david cameron has released a statement saying "there should not be a "knee-jerk reaction" to changing the laws on gun ownership" I didn't vote for him but I respect this as we can be sure its would have been a very diffrent statement from the former government.


I was quite supprised and pleased to hear Cameron saying that.


With regards to the suggestions about a yearly mental health / psychiatrist checkup for gun owners, im in 2 minds about that. Ive had a lot of psychometric tests and interviews with psychiatrists when I have applied for jobs over the years and no 2 have come back with the same results. The "profile" the psychiatrist comes up with is based purely on the answers you want to give and how the doctor interpretates those answers.


Also, if for example I had a relation die and the psychiatrist asked me how i felt and i said i felt a bit down / depressed about it (normal reaction). Would he then mark up that im at risk of going on a killing spree because im depressed? Maybe an extreme example. But, you can see what im saying.


As someone who has a close friend who has mental health issues, im not sure theres much you can do to spot them ahead of time. My friend (my former girlfriend) was perfectly healthy, happy as larry, then after knowing her for 4 years and living together for most of that time, one day she just had a massive breakdown and had to be sectioned off. I knew her better than anyone and there were no signs at all leading up to it.

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What a mess this is!


Have to feel for all the innocent people involved in one madmans rampage!


Bound to have repurcussions on the shooting fraternity.


Jokes are already out there tho!


yea i got a few jokes but i dont really condem ppl for doing so.there are jokes about everything these days and tbh its just the norm.it was like the haiti disaster they started sending them hours later.could have@least waited till the dust settled :whistling:

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