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Right i have a 6 month old bitch and i was wondering what is the best way to train recall. I tried using a ball but she does not want anything to do with it. but rather plays with broken sticks lol so i throw the stick and she brings it back straight away and will keep doing it(well 99% of the time) but if we are just out walking and she is just strolling she just tends to ignore me, i try it with treats and she comes but for some reason its as if she knows i havent got any treats for her. :blink:

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Make a game of it ie call her and run away, when she comes lots of fuss and excitement, then send away and repeat then repeat then repeat etc. coming back should be fun and not a signal that the walk is ended. Work on the ball retreiving in the garden, again lots of fuss and it all has to be a big game, if you don't look a prat then your not exciting enough. Don't recall if you know it won't come back ie playing with another dog and ignoring you, at the begining it just shows the pup it can ignore you and get away with it. Both will come in handy with work come the autum.

Good luck sandymere

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thanks alot for the reply, she does tend to come back when you call her when playing its just when we are walking but then again its just patients and time, and i will try to make more of a fuss next time lol

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