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First Buck

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The buck season has started slightly late for me this season due to work commitments but decided to have a look out last night. Mik came along too as he was just home from Off-Shore.

Parked up the car and set off along an old track that splits my main stalking ground in two, Saw a few does with 2 young bucks grazing out in the middle of a 60 acre field (impossible to get anywhere near) so kept going, As we approached a small wood Mik had a peek round the corner and was met with a 2-3 year old buck so i folded the Bi-Pod legs down and sneaked round the edge of the wood, And was met with this lad trotting towards me, Couldn't get a shot at him as a whin bush was right in my line of fire but couldn't move as he would av seen me, So waited a few more seconds and dropped him at a range of 20-25 yards!!


They dont come any easier than this but great start to my season. Due to the warm weather he was butchered and packed in to the freezer this morning. :thumbs:




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They dont get much easier than this ....As fanny boy siad I had a spy up the grass road that is in the background and this beast was about 200 yards feeding with his head down the wind was a slight cheek wind so he didnt know we were there ...I got sako and we crawled around the corner but the buck had moved towards us and was only 30 yards away but there was a whin bush that was blocking sakos line of site ...then the buck just walked towards us ...saw us then stretched his neck enough to allow sako a clean neck shot from about 20 yards ....Every buck on this ground has a slightly shorter left antler which must be a genetic trait .....there are at least 3 very good golds on this ground that are on there way back so I would imagine there will be some pics up here of them soon ......unless I pop along some evening again and poach them from Sakos ground :whistling:

Edited by MOO
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Barry Chuckle strikes again! :clapper: ......We have all heard about his shooting, what did you do Barry, jump out and hit it over the head with the rifle? :tongue2::tongue2::clapper::clapper:


Nice one fannyboy :thumbs:

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