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In emergancy vets!

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this is the only way i can think of putting pics up.... using them on photobucket, anyway heres a few of him stitched up, didnt get any of it when it happened, it was the last thing on my mind, been to vets today and had the drain took out














thanks for all the comments lads, tell me what you think? i think since he's been stitched up i think they look bigger than they actualy were

Edited by anthc123
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that bue and tans a belter what x is he?



dam was a 1/2grey 1/4collie 1/4deer, sire was a saluki/whippetxgrey,

shes 24tts and nearly 6 still puts my pup and a few other young dogs to shame although she does get stiff next day, :victory:

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they do bounce back mate, its so stressful when they get hurt but honestly given time and i'm sure your dog will be grand, my bitch broke her leg last season and has only just recently fully recovered, the actual injury was fine but the mental bit took a tad longer,,when she done it the leg was swinging as if on string, made me feel ill and there was a few probs with ops on the leg but all is mended now and i'm so happy!!!

my partner is sick to the back teeth of my saying 2she's back!" but she is completly back to normal and apart from scars you wouldn't even know it happened



its very true too that this is the first of many, my bitch ran over some rough ground and split her hocks and the back of her hind legs open, one gash to the bone, she came back after her run and i saw she was hurt but before i popped the lead on she spotted quarry and off she went..


another time she impelled herself on barb wire, i had to cut the fence to bring her home to take the prongs out of her fleash at home where she felt more secure, once healed she was working like nothing happened


be warned it tis part of owning a working dog, but give time to heal and they'll pay you back


she's a whippet x deerhound/greyhound 4 yrs old so plenty of time for more


p.s always always always insure your dog, its completly worth it, and 400 pound isn't bad compared to some vets, all the best mate hope this helps


lurcher lass xxx

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I'm in need of a bit of quick help, he had his draiIn taken out on Friday and in the last day or so it has scabbed over and fluid has started to build up under the skin it's got a bit bigger today, I already have an appointment at the vets for 2 on Friday just wondering weather I should get another apointment for today or if he willbe okay till tomorro?



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Soak the scab off with boiled, then cooled water with a teaspoon of salt per litre. just keep mopping at the scab with cotton wool until it dissolves and loosens. Don't try and pull it off its dry, but it should come away once you've moistened it. Might take a little while.

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its horrible when your dog is injured just been at vets yesterday with mine see tykes horror story on the topics hope youre dog gets well soon ps i shed a tear or two dont make you a poof just shows you love youre dog atb matt :thumbs:

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