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both my jills have eaten a kit ???

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hi all


both my julls have had there kits this week. one has had 3 and the other has had 5 but they have both eaten one. is this normal? and do you think they will eat the rest? any advice would be much apprecieted.

thanks chris.

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hi all


both my julls have had there kits this week. one has had 3 and the other has had 5 but they have both eaten one. is this normal? and do you think they will eat the rest? any advice would be much apprecieted.

thanks chris.


Thats bad news .. on one can answer that question really.. its anyones quess why they have done this .. maybe best let nature deal with it .. still not nice to know they have eaten some of there young .. dont get to downhearted about it .. its happens to us all :thumbs:

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hi all


both my julls have had there kits this week. one has had 3 and the other has had 5 but they have both eaten one. is this normal? and do you think they will eat the rest? any advice would be much apprecieted.

thanks chris.


Thats bad news .. on one can answer that question really.. its anyones quess why they have done this .. maybe best let nature deal with it .. still not nice to know they have eaten some of there young .. dont get to downhearted about it .. its happens to us all :thumbs:


that is a good point i think i have worded it wrong. so here goes-

has any one ever had a jill that has eaten one or two kits and not eaten the rest?

thanks chris

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i would not worry ,ive got a jill there who had 9 young now there are only 7 some kits die when they are first born i think the jills may eat them who no,s but mine are 3 weeks today so i doubt she will eat any more,


cheers spencer.............

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One thing I will ad is when you call your jill out in the morning make sure she's drinking ,myne became dehydrated looking after the kits so much put a bowl of warter in the water bottle wasn't up to the job ,and once a day I've been giving myne alpro soya milk keep her strong ,

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Dont worry mate.Your jills almost certainly lost a kitt each due to what is usually deformaty or weakness and they purely did as most animals will do and clear her nest of them. She wouldn't want them decaying in her nest putting her other kitts in danger and she wouldn't want to drag them out into the open of her run or hutch as this would advertise to any preditors that she had young there so to protect her young this is her only option.Many if not most jills will loose at least one kitt even though many owners never realise as the mother does such a good job of disposing of the evidence.If they are looking after their remaining youngsters well then I'm sure every thing will go fine and you'll soon have lots of hungry mouths to find food for.

Best of luck


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Dont worry mate.Your jills almost certainly lost a kitt each due to what is usually deformaty or weakness and they purely did as most animals will do and clear her nest of them. She wouldn't want them decaying in her nest putting her other kitts in danger and she wouldn't want to drag them out into the open of her run or hutch as this would advertise to any preditors that she had young there so to protect her young this is her only option.Many if not most jills will loose at least one kitt even though many owners never realise as the mother does such a good job of disposing of the evidence.If they are looking after their remaining youngsters well then I'm sure every thing will go fine and you'll soon have lots of hungry mouths to find food for.

Best of luck



thanks for thant and yes they are both looking after there other young just fine.


atb chris

Edited by hullhunter
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Even rabbit's will eat their youngsters if they'r weak.

I'v heard about rabbits (pets)with 1 ear because the mother ate one after giving birth..I've been told that the would eat everything with to much blood on it. Perhaps ferrets will do that to and by the time you see the kits for the fist time the jill could have eaten one..

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hi all


both my julls have had there kits this week. one has had 3 and the other has had 5 but they have both eaten one. is this normal? and do you think they will eat the rest? any advice would be much apprecieted.

thanks chris.



Just a quick question..... are they first time mothers and did you look in the cage and disturb them too early?

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both my julls have had there kits this week. one has had 3 and the other has had 5 but they have both eaten one. is this normal? and do you think they will eat the rest? any advice would be much apprecieted.

thanks chris.



Just a quick question..... are they first time mothers and did you look in the cage and disturb them too early?


If that was the case i think they would have eaten the lot ?

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