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Book recommendations for Hunting

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Although I have been target shooting for about 20 years, I have not done much hunting. I have, so far, only taken the occasional live quarry (squirrel, pigeon and rat) in the back garden while sniping out of a window with an air rifle.


Now I have a selection of shotguns (mainly used for skeet), a .22LR rifle and a couple of permissions, I want to make the most of my hunting trips.


I am looking for a book or two that give a real insight into the best way to maximise my success, with information on quarry types and the best methods to hunt them including time of day, season, weather etc.


Does anyone have any book recommendations?

Edited by subwoofer
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Although I have been target shooting for about 20 years, I have not done much hunting. I have, so far, only taken the occasional live quarry (squirrel, pigeon and rat) in the back garden while sniping out of a window with an air rifle.


Now I have a selection of shotguns (mainly used for skeet), a .22LR rifle and a couple of permissions, I want to make the most of my hunting trips.


I am looking for a book or two that give a real insight into the best way to maximise my success, with information on quarry types and the best methods to hunt them including time of day, season, weather etc.


Does anyone have any book recommendations?

get a couple of magazines (sporting times sporting gun)find out wat everyone else is doing at wat times of year get a local person who shoots to and ask to tag along . ull learn far more that way good or bad depends who u tag along with lol. even join a local shoot to see if u like it. ATB

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get a couple of magazines (sporting times sporting gun)find out wat everyone else is doing at wat times of year get a local person who shoots to and ask to tag along . ull learn far more that way good or bad depends who u tag along with lol. even join a local shoot to see if u like it. ATB


I have read many magazines and tend to find mostly stories rather than helpful advice and basic techniques or quarry specific information. That is why I wanted a book. You are right that being mentored by an experienced hunter is the best, but I would like to read up in advance (and it is not always easy to find someone to go hunting with), so I am still looking for a good book or two.

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as above the best way is to tag along,invite some one to your permission,but only i f you can trust em,try for some one with a few years experience,and who has there own permision,that way you get dif types of land to go at,my land is all drivable,so only walk if i fancy it,mates is all walking,sniping from cover,was there yestreday,knackered,getting lazy,like sitting in the jeep too much,put a location on your posts,might help,oki doki,ian

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If you were specifically interested in foxing I found that 'Foxing With Lamp & Rifle' by Robert Bucknell was a good read and gives enough detail on all aspects of foxing.

Edited by dave1372
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If you were specifically interested in foxing I found that 'Foxing With Lamp & Rifle' by Robert Bucknell was a good read and gives enough detail on all aspects of foxing.


Dave thanks for the book recommendation, fox is one of the quarry I will be hunting.

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as above the best way is to tag along,invite some one to your permission,but only i f you can trust em,try for some one with a few years experience,and who has there own permision,that way you get dif types of land to go at,my land is all drivable,so only walk if i fancy it,mates is all walking,sniping from cover,was there yestreday,knackered,getting lazy,like sitting in the jeep too much,put a location on your posts,might help,oki doki,ian


Thanks for the comment, but please could I now only have book recommendations I don't need anyone else telling me I should go out with another more experienced hunter, when the purpose of this topic was to find some good books.

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