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kit advice

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I have been given a mother with 3 kits, I was told they were 3 weeks old, so they are now 4 weeks old. Over the weekend they have opened there eyes and are now wondering around the hutch.

I have been feeding the mother ferret pellets, will the kits eat the pellets when they are ready or should I be putting cat meat or rabbits in for them to digest better.

At what age should i let them be rehomed, they are 4 weeks now, I have got homes for all of them apart from 1 hob albino.

What age will they be before they stop feeding off the mother?

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Fresh carcase is best for them I did soak some kibble in warm water for my kits last year they loved it!

Was about the consistancy of thick porridge.

Usually they can leave the mother at around 8 weeks.

Sure you will get other advice on this tho

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Try feeding them flesh mate i always think young stock gets the best start in life when fed flesh .Take them away from the jill at six weeks run them on by themselves till there eight weeks of age and if your happy there doing fine rehome them

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If your feeding meat i find they tend to get all they need from that and leave the jill alone and the jill looks in better condition when you take them away at six weeks

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If you've got to feed dry, then soak it as has been said .I've seen folk loose ferrets at that stage on dry, they can't get enough liquid from the jill and some bottles don't let out water fast enough, they get fed up of drinking before they've had enough.

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take romany's advice on board if your feedind dry food, this is the reason alot of lads only feed meat to kits, they cant take on enough water and begin to suffer and its normally to late to do anything about it then,make sure your kits can drink from the water bottle before you seperate them from there mother just because one doe's does'nt mean they all do

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:whistling: if feeding fresh meat give them it last thing at nite cos if they get it through the day and dont eat it the bluebottles will lay there eggs and you will get uneaten meat with maggots on it :whistling: theres not as many at nite when it gets cooler :icon_eek:
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