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New high seat success

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Put up a high seat in a place I've been saying should have one in for years now.

Put it up about 2 weeks ago and with time to kill last night I thought we'd try our luck in it for the first time.

A brisk walk up the side of the rape and we were at the base of the seat.

My client was keen and stepped on the first rung.

No i said its the new design you climb up the inside and so you don't have to pirouette at the top.

He was up and very impressed.

Anyway we hadn't been in it more than 20minutes when this little fellow jumped out of the old green lane.

A rested shot later at 135m's and he was ours.

A great start to a seat which has good prospects.




P.s. This rifle was proved to be empty and SAFE before the photo was posed for. :thumbs:





Edited by john robbo
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P.s. This rifle was proved to be empty and SAFE before the photo was posed for


Now ain't that the way when the stalk is over and the customary posing for pictures is a must that the rifle is made safe by removing the bold and placing it back in its pouch some people need to look at the old boys for guidance. Ps nice seat mate and a very good result. Will you be placing any thing in front of that it can be entered unnoticed .

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Well i took Wayne out for his high seat payment (i'm actually in credit he has some catching up to do). LOL.

And thought I might treat myself to a cull so I popped in the 6.5x55.

I told Wayne where to go and wait and I took up position at the other side of the wood.

After 1 1/2 hours I decided to start my stalk after seeing Jack sh*te.

Around the wood I was painfully slow as there is alot of cover and no wind.

After about 200 m's I wait again for about 15 mins. Nothing then on starting again I could hear a buck thrashing which is unusual for me(pardon).

The cover was impenetrable and so I circumnavigated it expecting a buck to "burst" out.

Nothing Happened then down the ride I saw him a yearling 6 pointer.(not unusual for this ground).

Putting the rifle on the sticks I readied myself he was about 110m's.

His &rse was facing me so no shot on and he was very preocupied in the hedge.

I paitently waiting and he eventually quatered.

Thats it I thought I can slip 1 in behind his leg and hit his heart and may or may not loose a leg on the way out.

I fired he fell and never kicked. The 156gr rn hitting his armpit blowing his heart to bits and exiting through his throat. Great a dead buck and a complete carcass.

Gralloching and bagging him i started to head in Waynes direction.

Another 200m's down the wood I saw a "red" stump amongst the bracken.

Glassing it the stump turned into another cull buck.

Then a doe and another.

Watching them feed I could have shot him but watched a while.

The bag now getting heavy it was decision time shoot or move.

I decided if I could get up the side of him I might move them to Wayne and 2 for me was just greedy.

15 paces later I was rumbled and the deer bounced in Waynes direction barking like mad.

Well I thought he's going to know there coming.

A pause and then a bang.

On arriving at Waynes ambush he was stood over his first roe buck neck shot at 25m's.

Another clean beast.

What a great night and a plan hatched.

The photo was taken on auto off a gate in the gloom and mist and this is by far the best one.


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