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Hi Everyone,


Been a while since I have posted due to the arrival of baby and also breaking my hand. I have a Weihrauch HW80K which is currently in a bit of a state and thinking of selling it.


I aquired the gun from a friend in the hope of taking up hunting but I am currently unable to hit a target accuratly with it 10 metres away let alone kill a rabbit. Had a go on a friends Air arms s410 which was extremely accurate and also another friends springer which seemed better too.

I keep thinking I must be doing something wrong but I everytime I go out I can't even zero it as it's all over the place I'm shaky but not that shaky the shots seem to miss randomly I can hit the bull of the target then the next shot is about 12 inches off too high or to the right or too low etc. A couple of sessions I have had it zero'ed in at 20 meters and been hitting small 50p size target the next session totally out again. I can't even zero it now.


Anyway sorry for ranting but it's annoying me. Do you think I should sell the gun on or is it worth spending money on having it cleaned up? Any ideas How much would I get for the gun? The stocks split, the barrels rusty, the safety's rusted in but it fires. Or is it worth keeping at it maybe get a bipod to stabilize it. Any help appreciated.




PS: the pellets I used are H&N field target trophy .22

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Hi, mate.


Congrats on the baby, arse about your hand....


Could be any number of things. Firstly, check that everything's properly tight, scope mounts and stock screws, mod if it's got one, anything that can come lose needs checking.


Springer's can be funny buggers and from what you've said, I think it may partly be down to the way you're holding it.

They need to be allowed to recoil in their own way. The gun starts to recoil as soon as you release the trigger and the piston starts to move and that's way before the pellet's left the end of the barrel. If you're resting it one way for one set of shots, then change it for the next the point of impact will change. You need to just let them rest gently in your hands so that they can do their own thing from shot to shot otherwise you're p***ing into the wind.


You could use a bi-pod but 'cos of the reasons I've said, it'll have one POI off the 'pod, then when you need to shoot without it, your shots will hit somewhere else.


FTT's tend to work well in a wide range of guns, it's unlikely to be the pellets to the extent of inaccuracy you've said but it may well be worth trying some another brands, just to be sure.


Can't help you with the value, mate. Sorry, I'm a little out of touch on that.


Check all's tight, keep a consistant hold then let us know how you get on.


Good luck, fella.




Edit.... Stock's split? Where? That could be a big cause of the problem causeing the gun's recoil the be inconsistant.

Edited by andyfr1968
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sounds like a scope problem to me fella if you cant get the thing to zero at all now but just to certain has it got open sights? if so try zeroing at 10m with open sights and try shooting it from a cushion if possible that will rule out wrong hold technic :thumbs: and to what its worth in its current description you would be lucky to get £80 but if you get it sorted ie, re blue and tune up your looking at £180 but it will cost about the same to get it done to a good standard :victory: hope this help

Edited by garfield
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  On 31/05/2010 at 23:59, andyfr1968 said:

Hi, mate.


Congrats on the baby, arse about your hand....


Could be any number of things. Firstly, check that everything's properly tight, scope mounts and stock screws, mod if it's got one, anything that can come lose needs checking.


Springer's can be funny buggers and from what you've said, I think it may partly be down to the way you're holding it.

They need to be allowed to recoil in their own way. The gun starts to recoil as soon as you release the trigger and the piston starts to move and that's way before the pellet's left the end of the barrel. If you're resting it one way for one set of shots, then change it for the next the point of impact will change. You need to just let them rest gently in your hands so that they can do their own thing from shot to shot otherwise you're p***ing into the wind.


You could use a bi-pod but 'cos of the reasons I've said, it'll have one POI off the 'pod, then when you need to shoot without it, your shots will hit somewhere else.


FTT's tend to work well in a wide range of guns, it's unlikely to be the pellets to the extent of inaccuracy you've said but it may well be worth trying some another brands, just to be sure.


Can't help you with the value, mate. Sorry, I'm a little out of touch on that.


Check all's tight, keep a consistant hold then let us know how you get on.


Good luck, fella.




Edit.... Stock's split? Where? That could be a big cause of the problem causeing the gun's recoil the be inconsistant.


The split goes from the trigger straight back horozontilly (spelling) about 3 inches. It's still fairly tight but might fix it up with a couple of self tapping screws. The stick isn't too bad and a rub down and oil should bring it up nicely. The safety is unusable and has rusted so that it is off (which i suppose is better than on). No moderator although thinking about getting one. I'll reset the sights tonight and start from scratch. Need a new tin of pellets so will get some air arms or FTT i think. Been thinking about it and even if I sell it for £100 I won't get another decent rifle and I am short on cash at the mo so I might just fix it up myself. Is it expensive to get it re-blued (is that the term?)


Thanks for your help so far. Determined to get there.

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  On 01/06/2010 at 08:38, garfield said:

sounds like a scope problem to me fella if you cant get the thing to zero at all now but just to certain has it got open sights? if so try zeroing at 10m with open sights and try shooting it from a cushion if possible that will rule out wrong hold technic :thumbs: and to what its worth in its current description you would be lucky to get £80 but if you get it sorted ie, re blue and tune up your looking at £180 but it will cost about the same to get it done to a good standard :victory: hope this help



Ah sorry didn't see the bit about Bluing bit out of my price range think i'll make do with the rust lol. I'll try at 10 metres with a cushion like you said.

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