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won't go to ground

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has the dog got a decent nose?most dogs, even young pups that have good scenting ability will pause slightly when crossing an active scent line without knowing what it is its marking up,rat holes,rabbit holes,fox earths,runs,etc,a dog without a good nose is useless to most working dog men,it may well be a slow starter and needs to get out with some decent dogs to get it fired up,I'd start it on a few rats during the summer and see how it shapes up marking ,etc,if it does well get it out properly in the autumn,atb,wirralman

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why you letting your dog mark rabbits if you want red ones get him on the chain and let him see and listen giv him time hes still a pup at the end ov the day

I've been told it works and yes the earth is empty but my old terriers still got stuck in checking out the pipes for ages.

Come on mate, Youve been told it works? Its 1 year old, its still a pup! If its been entered at that age, whoever you got it off is a prize arsehole :wallbash: !

Give it time and let it be a pup for now.

It might never make the grade but at least give it a chance :thumbs:


All the best with it mate.



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do you know lads that work terriers that you could go digging with? go with them dig to there dog and show yours the quarry at the end of the dig it will pick it up.doing the same with mine hes comeing on a treat

atb jeppi

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i've heard from a few people that if a terrier doesn't want to go to ground then it never will something to do with genes or something whats your opinion on this?

there's not many terriers that wont go to ground if entered right.

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i've heard from a few people that if a terrier doesn't want to go to ground then it never will something to do with genes or something whats your opinion on this?


Some wont but if bred right they should. A lot of it is how you bring the dog on as well. You can't just turn up at an occupied earth and expect every young dog to take to it like they've been doing it for years. Some just need time and encouragement.

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I havent read the previous posts mate but it mite have sumthing to do with a bad expierience as a pup, i.e entered to early and had a twatting. I have head of this alot lately but good luckanyway mate.


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i've heard from a few people that if a terrier doesn't want to go to ground then it never will something to do with genes or something whats your opinion on this?

Mate as been said before give him time getting him to ground is only ur first step keeping him at it will be ur biggest challenge. I have had pups that were looking to enter from 7 months and held off and entered properly and never made up to much. Hes still a pup yet and by the sounds of it the penny hasnt droped yet try get him out and see a few digs and it should bring him on a bag full.

Edited by stevie g 2005
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I havent read the previous posts mate but it mite have sumthing to do with a bad expierience as a pup, i.e entered to early and had a twatting. I have head of this alot lately but good luckanyway mate.



Yeah that is a possibility.


He's just got to give it time, and let it have a look in when ever possible.

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now then mate it sounds to as if the dog as had a bad experiance near a earth and tryed to be worked at a young age? try to work the dog with a good pack ov dogs that nows wat there doing just let the dog sit bk and watch. it will soon keen it up and it will enter on own will.dont ever forse the dog.good luck with the do .....bs

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