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Thank You Peoples

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Thank you Peoples for your positive and SOME VERY NEGATIVE input regarding a suitable breed to line my Irish Stafford Bitch with. I have decided to try and buy a K.C. Reg. Working Whippet. I do not want the grief of having a litter of pure bred Bulls here, as you can appreciate. So thank you again. No doubt I will get some kind of stick, but there you go. When I enlisted on this site I did not realise there were so many KNOWITALLS on this Planet. What do I know, I have only had dogs thirtyfive years. Regards, W.W.

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Cheers People, the reason I have chosen a Whippet is I haven had a Whippet in the past, they do not take up a lot of Kennel Space for one thing. I have not had a lot of experience with Greyhound. I also keep a lot of male dogs here, so there might be some issues here if I kept another large Greyhound type dog. I had my fair share of Dog Fights, thank you very much. I have the scares all over to prove it. Thank again. No doubt YOU KNOW WHO will have someyhing to say.

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i would go down the route of using a whippet stud mate - by the time you have located suitable litters, gone to see the breeders, sire dam, made sure they are doing the work you require, then raising the pup, kennel space, food, vet bills and as someone just said a few seasons down the line it may still end up sh!te and you are back to square 1.


its a lot less hassle finding a stud dog and then taking your bitch to have her lined.

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Fair comment, I will take that on board. The reason I said I would buy it is because by the time you have messed about taking a Bitch to the Dog, etc, you may as well buy a Dog and have be done. Thank you again. WW.


If I was you I'd do as Blan said, and use a proven working Whippet to put over the bitch. Rather than buying one that may turn out to be a waste of time. Not only that but you could keep the Kennel space for one of the Bully/Whippets out of the litter.

Edited by Attack Fell Terrier
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