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i went out the other evening to try and get a buck with my new tikka .243. i drove to the wood and immediately saw a buck and a doe together but they were off before i even had a chance to get out of the car. I then went out into a field where the deer often are in the evening. i spotted a buck and stalked it for ages but with little cover it was very difficult and when i realised it knew something was up i just went as fast as i could. however just as i got the bipod down and the rifle set, it legged it. we were having a BBQ at home so i thought i better give up and so got in the car for home. Anyway just as i left the wood i saw some movement on the edge of a hedge so stopped the car got out and ran into the field where sure enough a buck was running, i set the rifle and scoped it, when it stopped at around 125 yds and presented a side view i got him...late for the BBQ but it was sure worth it!








also i was wondering if anyone could tell me whether it was worth getting it measured for a medal?

Edited by love_coursing
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It looks from the picture that its a slightly ageing buck but seems not to have the weight but like Foxdropper says you will no more when its clean make sure you keep it a full scull until you know for sure.



so once boiled i dont want to saw the head for mounting until its been weighed?

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Thats correct mate biol for a few minutes only then lift out give the brain a good old rattle about with some thin and long but don't put your dick in it as it will still be hot i use a 6 inch nail and stir then put it back in and give it about 30 mins or so and then get scraping with a blunt knife leave to dry and then you have your so called wet weight leave for a further 90 days and you have your dry weight. I wish you well.

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