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gunna av ago at makin me own nets.i like hemp nets but that spun nylon looks preety good.does it need a double knot?.never made nets before.is it easy to get the hang of it or am i going to be waisting loads of materials with mistakes.like the idea of making em.save a few quid :thumbs: .any advice on subject would be great.

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I've only just started since January, but I've now made quite a few purse nets and a couple of stop nets.


There will be more experienced than me to advise you better, but I double knot every time. It's a habit I'm quite happy to keep and I don't even notice the difference any more. I've heard spun poly doesn't need double knotted, but I figure what the hell, I'll not take the chance.


I spoiled a couple of rows when I first started, but I just cut them out and restarted. I now take my time and only knit a couple of yards at a time to stop me getting bored.


Good luck, its addictive and relaxing, which is why I do it rather than save money. At my speed there certainly won't be any money in it for me.

Edited by tdavepat
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:whistling: if just starting get some cheap string if you dont feel confident enough and double knot it then if there okay try with the spun nylon poly :victory: they should only need one knot if your doing them right and dont go onto the board with the knot they wont slip :thumbs: good luck :drink: if your going to use 4z or 6z double knot them :thumbs:
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did it take you long to get the hang of it?.

Ive just started myself and its fairly straight forward . I got a mate to show me what to do and after a he had done a few rows i had a practice with one of my own using some of that cheap jute , just till i felt confident enough to use my poly. Ive done a couple this afternoon without any disasters other than a few blisters on my hand . Its worth getting something to practice with first like string or jute just to get the hang of it , then your not going to wasting your proper stuff

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As above get some cheap stuff till you'r happy your knots aren't slipping or ask somebody local to show you .a lot of folk get on better being shown rather than reading or watching a dvd and you can ask any questions as your going along .

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