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Hiya im no expert but goin by experience, let the mother be a mother an do her thing. In some litters you get the odd 1 or 2 that get left out, this is wher u get the smallest or the runt of the litter, ther are a few ways bout it, if u do have a problem like this, feed it by bottle several times a day an keep a close watch on it, make sure its warm. See how she gets on first with being a mother before jumping into help. Hope this helps :thumbs:

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Good advice missRhianL. worth adding though as soon the puppys start getting around make sure that there is some suitable food around for them to start exploring which will help the bitch and start the weaning progress making it a longer and less stressfull progress for both her and the pups. she will let you and the pups know when the time is right so keep your eye on her and it will all happen without a worry.


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if this is her first litter, make sure as the pups are gettin older give mam some time on her own too, as i remember when my mother bred her spaniel for the first time, she didnt want to know them after a few days they got a bit too much for her, so make sure you give them time apart and keep an eye on the mother too and not just the pups. make sure she gets rest away from the pups an keep an eye on her teats as the pups get older, between their teeth an claws im sure its not very nice for the mother, so just check theyr not raw thats all. when they get a bit older put soft food down for them an some milk in a trap this way they will learn to eat solid foods and lap too. the older they get the less time they really need to be with the mother. People always ask when do i know when to do this, its just instinct youl know when the time is right. so dont worry.

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it all depends on the litter size and how the bitch is copeing with them, through experiance i start to introduce flavours at about 3 weeks, scraped meat, substitute bitch milk etc by the time they are 4 weeks they should be eating about 4 small meals per day and still be on the bitch. @ 6 weeks i expect all pups to be completly off the bitch, eating and drinking independantly. wouldnt leave it any later than that atb a.r.d

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thank you all very much for the advice there were 7 pups in the litter and yes after about 4 days she was gettin fed up with them and staying away from them and would sit down stairs and not go to them they are a week old now and she has settled down and is feeding them ok now and going to them cheers for all your input. it is her first litter and she seems to have a good mothering instinct and when you say scrapped meat what kind thanks. Rabbit dispatcher.

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