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Advice on jills behaviour

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Hi everyone,


I've handled my jill everyday without fail since i got her in Decemer, however when i let her out of her hutch yesterday she went besesrk, she was running all over arching her back and when i went anywhere near her she either ran away of tried to bite me. She has never bitten me before, infact she was unbelievably placid, it's as though she is scared to death of my hand and tried to bite me at every opertunity. I went in today and it was exactly the same again, can anybody shed any light on why she is acting like this for me??


Cheers Ian

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Definately not playing mate, i cant get a hand on her even in her hutc. I am doing everything the same as well, no loud noises etc. I'm puzzled!!


Could it be anything to do with her being on her own at moment, she was caged with my hob but on our lat trip out in April some nosey git with a rotty came to see what i was doing and the dog got hold of him and that was that!!

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I'm not wanting to ask a silly question fella but have you checked her sleeping quarters / nest. Sounds to me like she has either had or expecting kitts.If she was housed with a hob untill April then it seems even more likley that shes got kits about now.

Many jills that are as placid as the day is long turn like this when they are protecting young.Ihave two doing the exact same as we speek.


Have a look you might just get a supprise



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I'm not wanting to ask a silly question fella but have you checked her sleeping quarters / nest. Sounds to me like she has either had or expecting kitts.If she was housed with a hob untill April then it seems even more likley that shes got kits about now.

Many jills that are as placid as the day is long turn like this when they are protecting young.Ihave two doing the exact same as we speek.


Have a look you might just get a supprise




Hi mate, not a silly question at all, but i do change bedding every other day and havent seen anything, the hob was supposed to be vasectimised, but i've seen enough posts on here to know it dont always work!! I'l keep an eye on her over next few days and see if there's any little suprises for me!!

Cheers for the advice mate :thumbs:

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I'm not wanting to ask a silly question fella but have you checked her sleeping quarters / nest. Sounds to me like she has either had or expecting kitts.If she was housed with a hob untill April then it seems even more likley that shes got kits about now.

Many jills that are as placid as the day is long turn like this when they are protecting young.Ihave two doing the exact same as we speek.


Have a look you might just get a supprise




Hi mate, not a silly question at all, but i do change bedding every other day and havent seen anything, the hob was supposed to be vasectimised, but i've seen enough posts on here to know it dont always work!! I'l keep an eye on her over next few days and see if there's any little suprises for me!!

Cheers for the advice mate :thumbs:


No worries mate.Have you noticed any sighns of her being in season over the last few weeks as if she is empty of kitts and not been lined she should still be bang in and swollen mate. Although if your vasectimised hob covered her just before you lost him it is possible that she is having a phantom pregnancy.


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Hob definately covered her before i lost him, i guess it could be a phantom pregnancy but having never kept ferrets before i'm not too sure.


It dose happen mate but to be honest I've kept ferrets for over 25 years,Always had pleanty of Jills in my hutches and never actualy had a phantom with any of them myself although I have heard of it with friends ferrets.Did you have the hob vasectimised yourself or at least do you know and trust the fella that you got him from ?


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check her teets, if they are showing more than they uselle would then she could be in kit, and her vulva too if thats gone down shes out of season, and been brought out some how lol.

good luck in calmin her down some, could just be that time of the month lol.

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Got the hob from a mate of mate, no reason to doubt him, seemed a decent lad.


Maybe just her hormones then mate,Thinking she should be in kitt if she's not.You know what woman are like hey.But keep a close eye on her bedding though fella she certainly sounds to be in kitt and it would be gutting to throw some kitts out with her old bedding by mistake.

Sounds a stupid thing to say mate I know but I've nearly done it before with Jills I never thought were preagnant.


Best of luck with her though mate and as long as she seems healthy enough in her self I'm sure she will sort her self out within a day or to by either calming back down to normal or giving you some more hungry mouths to feed.



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