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Well it's that time of year again that I can finally get up the range to test reloads and hone my rifle skills.


The range I shoot on is simply a field in the middle of these Welsh hills, the drive is through common land, dirt tracks and woodland, until finally the range is insight, so dry weather is a must.


I've just dug out my bench rest and given it a lick of wood preserver, check my tripod and my spotting scope for suitability and then it occurred to me.





Why in hells name do I bother with all this equipment?

My complete set-up is some what of a portable ballistics lab. Bench rest, spotting scope, chronograph connected to a laptop which is connected to the 4x4 as an external power source and a seat. I was even thinking of making a portable reloading set up for ammunition development :no:


Just wondering what you guys take and use up the range?




Edited by HUnter_zero
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shooting matt, chronograph, ammo, weather station a kestrel 4000 nv, ammo test targets, and info sheets, mod. rounds, shooting table and chair...


hard copy of drop charts if not testing plus PDA running exbal,


if a day at the range or varminting area, cleaning rod, patches, and solvent, plus copper solvent...


think thats about it....lol


oh plus goodies to eat..

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