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FAC Interview Tonight

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Only took 30mins.


Went really well, he hinted that i will be granted it by saying " I see no problem "


Just been to get my supervision letter signed by my mentor and i will give him a ring to pick it up.


Went in for a .22LR and a Moderator and he said there is no problem at all.


Just gotta wait a few weeks for the land check and should all be done :clapper:

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dont know about some of you fellow shooters on here but my experience with the FLO was a breeze when he came round he said why do you want these rifles 22. for small game rabbits and such .17 for any thing a bit further away .223 foxes munts and any small ground huggers even further away gave him my land authorities and he said right lets have a drive around this land you have see what we have came in he's Lanndy had a good drive around out for nearly 2 1/2 hours got back to mine cuppa and before he went said this is all a ok came back the next day with my ticket from application to getting my licence 9 days cambs police for me are the best.




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dont know about some of you fellow shooters on here but my experience with the FLO was a breeze when he came round he said why do you want these rifles 22. for small game rabbits and such .17 for any thing a bit further away .223 foxes munts and any small ground huggers even further away gave him my land authorities and he said right lets have a drive around this land you have see what we have came in he's Lanndy had a good drive around out for nearly 2 1/2 hours got back to mine cuppa and before he went said this is all a ok came back the next day with my ticket from application to getting my licence 9 days cambs police for me are the best.




I must of had the same guy as you mate im only 5 mile from you, he was sound,all he wanted was good enough reason made me feel at ease good bloke.

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Is it just me or anyone else, i never had anyone come and see me for my variation when i added the 17hmr on my licence but i already had 223 and 22rf on there and even when i bought the new gun no one came and checked it over.?

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Is it just me or anyone else, i never had anyone come and see me for my variation when i added the 17hmr on my licence but i already had 223 and 22rf on there and even when i bought the new gun no one came and checked it over.?


I found this puzzling too. I've never, ever, heard of people being visited for a variation. A land inspection maybe - if you are applying for something very different to what you already have - but why a home visit?


The home visit is essentially to check your security but that will have already been done when you first applied.


Juse seems like another waste of money and resources to me.



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if you want to apply for a .22 rimfire . what do you write down on application. do you write 22lr or 22rf or something also do you write .22lr and moderator


Just depends what each individual force will accept really. Strictly speaking you just need to put the calibre down. I have three .22 rifles, two rimfire's and a Hornet and all were only ever described as ".22 rifle" on my cert when I acquired them and still are.



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