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Hi Shay.


Sorry to hear of your experience.

Cant see their problem, because your not the sort of person to deliberatly upset someone.


Not had much to do with them to be honest.


A forum thrives on its members feeling comfortable and at home, not afraid to express themselves within reason.


Seem like the site will be pulled down by its own Moderator's from what's been said about them on here.


Make's you feel kind of sorry for some of it's member's, who still bother to visit there.


Stay at home mate, its warm and dry in here.








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hi ya bill

thats very kind words buddy and i will be staying here in the warm and at home buddy thanks again buddy :thumbs:


and i agree with what everyone is saying and i feel a little bad for those who said something about it and got banned to it just aint fare is it



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wey hey i've been banned reason is "i dont know when to shut up" if i ever meet who banned me with that reason is gonna get a smack in the gob!! period they wouldnt dare speak to me in person like that so at the latest i should get even at western park :boxing:

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hi ya buddy

are you going to the midland game fair ?

and they said that to you they have put that i backed out of a deal and told some bloke about pricing ? and i found out who said i had done this when i was selling some stuff off yesterday a lad asked me if i would sell it seperate i said no he got the hump about it and emailed the other bloke that said yes please on the post as they ask and this lad pm'd me so i went by the rules and now banned lol i have never meet such :censored::censored: twats in my life and for most of that i worked the doors as a bouncer lol twats

sorry you got banned though buddy



and thank you all again

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hi ya stealthy

well one of the lads sent me this as you can see it was from the members only part :thumbs:

Here's an example of what your up against, this is lifted straight from a post by"Baz" who is a " super moderater" with 40,000 posts! This is from the "members only" area which is there for things "best kept in house" plain narrow minded racism in my eyes.



Join Date: May 2000

Location: SE tip of Englands garden

Posts: 39,946

Not PC but made me smile

The Fire Chief Explains


In South Los Angeles , a 4-plex was destroyed by a fire


A Nigerian family of six con artists lived on the first floor, and all six died in the fire. An Islamic group of seven welfare cheats, all illegally in the country from Kenya , lived on the second floor, and they, too, all perished in the fire. 6 LA, Hispanic, Gang Banger, ex-cons, lived on the 3rd floor and they, too, died. A lone, white couple lived on the top floor... The couple survived the fire.


Jesse Jackson, John Burris and Al Sharpton were furious.


They flew into LA and met with the fire chief, on camera.


They loudly demanded to know why the Blacks, Black Muslims and Hispanics all died in the fire and only the white couple lived?



The fire chief said, "They were at work.."




Accuracy is everything!

so you can see that this bloke call baz well well

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Well obviously Shay serves you right for straying from the fold!! they are a selective lot who know rif raf when they see it :clapper:


i dont even know what bbs is but i guess i wont be going there.


you were secret squirrel werent you? cant you kill them with a click of your mouse?????




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Hey Shay You naughty naughty boy :tongue2: I was banned for a while, still no idea as to why :hmm: It was either because I aired my opinions on what to do to Garry Glitter when he was brought back here or because of a comment I made about the dozen or so frog soldiers killed in Afghanistan. Someone said, "We should get all the troops out of there not send in more" I replied, they should send in a lot more frog soldiers as its not often we get a Result like that :tongue2: To be fair though, not all the mods are Arseholes. I've found a couple who have been very usefull and they are very polite on the odd occasion they have banned people they have always let them know why :yes: The others don't :( I rarely go on there these day's, too busy here or in the fields and when I do, its just to catch up with some of the UBC. One thing that did p!ss me off though, was I wrote an article for 'Target Shooter' magazine, it was about the UBC and it praised the BBS for allowing us to start our club by giving us an 'Air Pistols Section' for us to use. But because it was a "Rival Mag" the link I put up to it was censord so no one could read it. Even the Mag didn't get that petty and they left the links to the BBS in it :notworthy: Just shows huh? Phantom

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